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People selling 5200 Blaster on eBay.


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It's really a shame when people make and sell games on eBay after the programmers have asked people not to, in exchange for releasing the binary for anyone to play. It's really going to be a shame when programmers no longer release prototypes because of greedy people like this.





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Well, I really don't know why McG didn't already know that. Maybe he bought it from someone else and thought it was o.k.. We'll just let him explain. He'll come to realize that he's really gonna piss someone off someday and knowingly or not & maybe have issues with games he sells. All it takes is someone to do it and and not say it. I know I have messed up similarly and have been forgiven but at that time I didn't know. I learned my lesson. I think that is why he buys with one account and sells with the other. Vice versa on them. :|

Edited by ninermaniac
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Well, I really don't know why McG didn't already know that. Maybe he bought it from someone else and thought it was o.k.. We'll just let him explain. He'll come to realize that he's really gonna piss someone off someday and knowingly or not & maybe have issues with games he sells. All it takes is someone to do it and and not say it. I know I have messed up similarly and have been forgiven but at that time I didn't know. I learned my lesson. I think that is why he buys with one account and sells with the other. Vice versa on them. :|

He does know that. He got it knowing he was not to sell it for profit. And yes he has already "piss someone off someday and knowingly or not & maybe have issues with games he sells."



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Well, there is no excuses that we will here from him then. He could have easily sold it here on the forums without putting it out there so shame on him. I know once you buy something you have every right to do with it as you please but this is an issue with ethics and morals I suppose. I like to turn profits myself but there is a different avenue to take when it's an item you know you are not supposed to do that with. I have been shamed once and will never do that again. I am moral enough to admit that. It seems that he doesn't give items a chance to even collect dust and they are out the door. Tisk Tisk.................. :thumbsdown:

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