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Stella 2.8 released


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When I installed the the 9.5 catalyst drivers in windows 7 64bit it didn't install that file. I had to copy it manually. Maybe the 9.5 version of the drivers I installed didn't install that file. ATi may have changed it for the newer drivers for suppoet for the Riddick game?


Unlikely they'd leave out OpenGL to support a single game - that's a sure-fire way to cause a s**t storm with your customers (particularly the ones that use OpenGL apps). Did you install beta drivers or the final WHQL ones?


Also, some virus-checkers like to hijack files as they're being installed - maybe that's what happened? The reason I'm running Win 7 now is 'cause BitDefender quarantined a load of Vista SP2 files and completely hosed my PC - tsk. The virus-checkers are getting worse than the viruses (virii?) :roll:

Edited by Aegis
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I have two questions:


When I press escape during gameplay, I get kicked out of the emulator completely.

Can this be fixed?


Why are there small vertical graphics visible at the far right side of the game screen?

Can these be removed somehow?



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When I press escape during gameplay, I get kicked out of the emulator completely.

Can this be fixed?

:idea: See Options, UI settings, Enter Launcher after exiting ROM (check)


Why are there small vertical graphics visible at the far right side of the game screen?

Can these be removed somehow?

Do you have a screenshot?

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Why are there small vertical graphics visible at the far right side of the game screen?


I noticed these - they seem to be the result of color bleed blurring off-screen (overscan?) graphics - turn 'TV Color Bleed' off and they disappear...

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Why are there small vertical graphics visible at the far right side of the game screen?


I noticed these - they seem to be the result of color bleed blurring off-screen (overscan?) graphics - turn 'TV Color Bleed' off and they disappear...

Ok, I see.


Well, I have to deal with these graphics then, because I really like the color bleed.



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Ok, I see.


Well, I have to deal with these graphics then, because I really like the color bleed.


Funnily enough, something similar (although probably less noticeable) would happen on a real CRT - if bright pixels are drawn in the overscan area (which is usually partially obscured by the TV's bezel) they'd make the neighboring pixels glow too.


*Edit* Scratch that - I think it's a bug - turn TV color bleed off then back on again - the fuzzy lines should disappear :)

Edited by Aegis
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I have a ATI 2xHD4850 in crossfire mode. By default the newer catalyst drivers DO NOT install the OpenGL drivers.


Uh, that's incorrect - the latest Catalyst drivers (currently 9.5 - 9.6 are out this month) install OpenGL support just fine - my Radeon HD 4870X2 is showing up OpenGL 2.1 without having to add any .dlls as you can see in CCC below. Note that the OpenGL version shown here doesn't relate to what Stella reports (2.1) - I guess it's ATI/AMD's own internal versioning..?


*Edit* Just double checked and atioglxx.dll is where it should be in C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (Windows 7 x64) so the Catalyst installer for 9.5 definitely installs it correctly...



When I installed the the 9.5 catalyst drivers in windows 7 64bit it didn't install that file. I had to copy it manually. Maybe the 9.5 version of the drivers I installed didn't install that file. ATi may have changed it for the newer drivers for suppoet for the Riddick game?

um edweird how so you have windows 7?

it is NOT due for release untill the fall of this year

or for the fall of next year (2010)!

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Ok, I got my new video card today.

After installing the latest available driver, the TV effects worked instantly.


Very impressive! :thumbsup:


Not sure if I will leave them enabled, probably only on a medium or low level.


BTW: I noticed that when I use commandline parameters for left and right controller to start Stella, I have NO chance to change them inside Stella. Is that intentional?

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The various issues with the TV effects are because this is the first time the code has been extensively tested by a wide group of people on diverse hardware. I'm going to direct the Georgia Tech Atari Team (the ones responsible for this code) to these posts, so they can get feedback and bug reports on the issue. Unfortunately, all of my time is taken up with other parts of Stella, so I won't be able to help too much on the TV stuff. Look for many more improvements when the next group finishes, probably sometime around late August or so.

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Got it working and it's nice to have the features, but Color TV Texture set to normal or staggered seems too harsh. It's like looking through a dark screen door. None of my TVs looked that bad or that dark. TV color bleed makes it look better, but the game slows down to a crawl, even on low. The sound also slows down.

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Got it working and it's nice to have the features, but Color TV Texture set to normal or staggered seems too harsh. It's like looking through a dark screen door. None of my TVs looked that bad or that dark.
Mine most certainly did.


It's this one:





Is it possible to feature the TV effects for the online version?


Do you have anything to do with the online version of Stella?



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Got it working and it's nice to have the features, but Color TV Texture set to normal or staggered seems too harsh. It's like looking through a dark screen door. None of my TVs looked that bad or that dark.
Mine most certainly did.


It's this one:





Is it possible to feature the TV effects for the online version?


Do you have anything to do with the online version of Stella?



I'm not really involved with JStella (the online Java version), as I have enough to handle with keeping mainline Stella working on all three major platforms at the same time (Linux/OSX/Windows). As well, I don't know how Java works with OpenGL, or if it even does at all. These effects are strictly OpenGL2.0-only, and as such, I don't know if they can ever be used in Java. In any event, I don't yet have the experience in the OpenGL TV effects code, or the time itself to look into JStella :(

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