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atari2600land's Blog - Stuff I got


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I went to the record store today. I got three records. Rick Wakeman's "Journey To the Centre of the Earth," and Tangerine Dream's "Phaedra" and "Force Majuere." All of them on vinyl. Apparently, Tangerine Dream vinyl records are hard to come by. When I got home, I got the mail. My copy of Atari Video Cube had come. That now brings me to 275, which means I'm 11/12 of the way to 300, which is my goal. I'll keep collecting after I get 300, but I don't think it will be possible to get 400 carts. That 275 number is unique titles. I'm not counting my few duplicates of ultra-common games I have. Going to the used video game store tomorrow. Hopefully they'll have something new this weekend instead of the same old junk they've had for a few weeks in a row.





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