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atari2600land's Blog - The Big Project: Day 1


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Well, the dog didn't stay in the garage. He didn't bark as much as I thought he would, and he completely shut up very quickly so I let him stay in my room with me while they were painting the ceiling. I don't know what they're planning to do tomorrow, though. To keep busy, I'm making a shrine for Mario Kart 64 and I also began working on my Tetris game again. There were a few bugs in the last version I released (version 11) that I fixed in a version 12 I'll upload tomorrow morning @ a little bit after 8 AM. I also got Private Eye and Quick Step for the 2600 in the mail today, upping my total # to 277 unique titles for the 2600. I'm inching ever closer to the 300 mark. So that's how my day went (so far.)



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