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mos6507's Blog - iPhone OS 3.0


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So iPhone 3.0 OS is here, and I can finally cut, copy, and paste. Great. One of the things that annoyed me was replying to email messages. There was no way to get rid of the quoted text. So now you can select all and clear out the old message including the "sent from iphone" footer. It's about damn time. However, they added the tethering feature only to have AT&T keep it disabled. So I screw around with the hacks that supposedly enable this and was not able to get it going despite following all the steps. I could jailbreak my phone but I'm just, I dunno, I'm kind of burnt out on the hacking. The whole thing about Apple stuff is it's supposed to just work. Now what I'm really waiting on is true turn by turn navigation. The free Mapquest app looks pretty good because it at least gives you the turns, but I dont think it speaks them to you at the appropriate time the way a GPS does. I've always resisted getting a dedicated GPS because the thing is basically a locked down PDA and I just don't see a reason why it can't just converge into a smartphone like so many other functions have.





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