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Z80GUY's Blog - Reading, Reading and more well reading....


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Forgot how much went in to the understanding of the 6502, a few years ago a buddy of mine tried to teach me the basics of it on his apple IIe but that was so long ago. That I find the only thing that sticks in my mind from his teachings was he called "counting the count" referring to cycle counting I think.


well I have read the online book "Assembly language for Beginners" at Atari archives online books and Andrew Davies Tutorials are next on my list of reading. I hope to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the inner workings of the 6502(7) Cpu and it's variants but who knows maybe at my age there is no hope at all :(.


I read somewhere that once you reach my age (39) that the mind does not retain Information as easily as it did when you are a child, so I might not be able to learn it at all like I thought I would.


But who knows I might surprise myself and actually be able to do somthing with what I can retain, it can't hurt to try.


Saturday I am going to continue my work on the 7800 custom Editor / front end to the tools for programming it.






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