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RAM Frog Pond

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Here is the start of a simple Frog Pond type game. For some reason I cannot get collision detection right, any ideas? 38 39 bytes free.

Here is your collision code:

	lda CXM0FB
bpl No_CXM0FB

inc Score
inc Score


That BPL branch depends on collisions between M0 and the playfield. You never enable the playfield. I think you want to use a BIT test of CXM0FB and then a BVC branch since I think you want to check for collisions between M0 and the ball. I.e., do this:

	bit CXM0FB
bvc No_CXM0FB

inc Score
inc Score


Edited by vdub_bobby
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Thanks vdub_bobby!


I think this might be the final version. The score is now displayed in binary on the right edge of the screen. After 30-40 seconds, the screen goes blank, displays the score, and waits until you press the button to continue. If anyone has suggestions, let me know! 1 byte free.


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