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Poll - 7800 Role Playing Game (RPG)



84 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you interested in a 7800 RPG?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Are you interested in helping to develop a 7800 RPG?

    • Yes, I can help with coding
    • Yes, I can help with graphics
    • Yes, I can help with sound effects or music
    • Yes, I can help with level design
    • Yes, I can help with plot, background story, characters etc.
    • No, I can only give moral support

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The 7800 is an AMERICAN gaming system and needs a good, old fashioned, american type of rpg, NOT a clone of a Japanese rpg. So I humbly BEG of you to do an RPG of the following type,


Excuse me, but if this was a serious comment it is the saddest thing I ever read on these forums.

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It would be great if the 7800 RPG Project we talked about in the Chat becomes a reality!


I can help with level design, background story, characters and ideas. I can also try to make a few graphics but i can't promise that they will be good... Just let me know which editor to use and i'll give it a shot....


There should definitely be a Witch in the game (you know who i'm speaking of ;) ).


I'm looking forward to this project, it's gonna be fun! :lol:




I guess for help with the sounds we should ask a few of the 2600 sound guru's, there are some very talented guys here.

Edited by Impaler_26
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PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't do any kind of "NES type" of RPG for the 7800.


The 7800 is an AMERICAN gaming system and needs a good, old fashioned, american type of rpg, NOT a clone of a Japanese rpg.

Why? That'd be like saying the NES shouldn't get Ultima (which has already been done of course) because it's an American game on a Japanese system. What country the system's from shouldn't be a factor at all.


In fact, I'd like to see a JRPG on the 7800, it'd certainly be different for a change.


Why? Because if I want to play Zelda I can buy a NES, why should we simply COPY the Zelda type game????????





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I don't want to pigeon hole the 7800 its a capable machine for its age. It can handle whatever game is created for it (by making the best use of MARIA).

but what percentage of Saturn hardcore fans really play the Saturn for its FPS library



What??? The very idea!! You have obviously never played "Powerslave", "Quake", or "Duke Nuke'm" on the Saturn!! These three games ROCK on my Saturn!!!!!


Adept Rapier



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The 7800 is an AMERICAN gaming system and needs a good, old fashioned, american type of rpg, NOT a clone of a Japanese rpg. So I humbly BEG of you to do an RPG of the following type,


Excuse me, but if this was a serious comment it is the saddest thing I ever read on these forums.


Fine, turn the 7800 into a "clone of the NES" so it looses it's originality. Have it your way.


Adept Rapier



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Why? Because if I want to play Zelda I can buy a NES, why should we simply COPY the Zelda type game????????

Nobody said GroovyBee would copy Zelda wholesale. Besides, if he decides to make a Zelda-style RPG, he could add some interesting twists in the gameplay that you wouldn't find in the original game (ex. random dungeons, experience points, etc).

Edited by ApolloBoy
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Nobody said GroovyBee would copy Zelda wholesale. Besides, if he decides to make a Zelda-style RPG, he could add some interesting twists in the gameplay that you wouldn't find in the original game (ex. random dungeons, experience points, etc).

Hopefully the game design will be driven by the AA community. I'll just be a code monkey on this one :lol:. I'll be helping with technical guidance too, so we can get the game into something that will be within the capabilities of the machine.

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ok, here's one pitch that I promised:

a great feast is taking place in the palace of the king when a storm brews up and suddenly in the blink of an eye with a loud thunder clap, all light [and color] are drained from the world, allowing the demons of the underworld to spring forth the netherworld and start ravaging the countryside.



as the hero, you must journey throughout the land to determine the cause of the inbalance and restore peace [and light] to the kingdom.



defeat each of the 7 wizards to release their hold on the colors, and restore the world back to order. defeating each wizard, brings back one of the 6 colors back into play of the game (red, blue, yellow, violet, orange, green)


the game would start out a muddied world of grays and browns (like darkness), with details being made visible as each wizard is defeated. after the 6 lesser wizards are defeated, the hero must then descend into the depths of the netherworld to defeat the grand wizard.

Edited by j.m.ratkos
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ok, here's one pitch that I promised:

a great feast is taking place in the palace of the king when a storm brews up and suddenly in the blink of an eye with a loud thunder clap, all light [and color] are drained from the world, allowing the demons of the underworld to spring forth the netherworld and start ravaging the countryside.



as the hero, you must journey throughout the land to determine the cause of the inbalance and restore peace [and light] to the kingdom.



defeat each of the 7 wizards to release their hold on the colors, and restore the world back to order. defeating each wizard, brings back one of the 6 colors back into play of the game (red, blue, yellow, violet, orange, green)


the game would start out a muddied world of grays and browns (like darkness), with details being made visible as each wizard is defeated. after the 6 lesser wizards are defeated, the hero must then descend into the depths of the netherworld to defeat the grand wizard.

that sounds pretty cool to me :)
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Posted something about this a couple days ago but it got lost in the server problems.


A western style RPG better represents what would have naturally landed first on the 7800 if it were more competitive in the 80's. So I can see what the earlier poster was saying about that. It's like using Chevy parts to build up a Ford.


But that's not important really. People should do whatever everyone is most fired up to work on.


Linear Japanese story-oriented RPGs aren't my favorite thing. I'd prefer a more open western RPG like Ultima.

Japanese artwork doesn't bother me as long as it isn't stupid. As long as the eyes don't turn into fireballs (because he's mad) or a character starts crying like an infant, then I don't mind if they just have green hair.

I don't see that being an issue with any 8-bit machine. Japanese RPG's didn't *really* bug me until Lunar on the Sega CD.

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Posted something about this a couple days ago but it got lost in the server problems.


A western style RPG better represents what would have naturally landed first on the 7800 if it were more competitive in the 80's. So I can see what the earlier poster was saying about that. It's like using Chevy parts to build up a Ford.


But that's not important really. People should do whatever everyone is most fired up to work on.


Linear Japanese story-oriented RPGs aren't my favorite thing. I'd prefer a more open western RPG like Ultima.

Japanese artwork doesn't bother me as long as it isn't stupid. As long as the eyes don't turn into fireballs (because he's mad) or a character starts crying like an infant, then I don't mind if they just have green hair.

I don't see that being an issue with any 8-bit machine. Japanese RPG's didn't *really* bug me until Lunar on the Sega CD.


I think it's been decided that's going to look like Zelda but we haven't figured out how plays yet.

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Posted something about this a couple days ago but it got lost in the server problems.


A western style RPG better represents what would have naturally landed first on the 7800 if it were more competitive in the 80's. So I can see what the earlier poster was saying about that. It's like using Chevy parts to build up a Ford.


But that's not important really. People should do whatever everyone is most fired up to work on.


Linear Japanese story-oriented RPGs aren't my favorite thing. I'd prefer a more open western RPG like Ultima.

Japanese artwork doesn't bother me as long as it isn't stupid. As long as the eyes don't turn into fireballs (because he's mad) or a character starts crying like an infant, then I don't mind if they just have green hair.

I don't see that being an issue with any 8-bit machine. Japanese RPG's didn't *really* bug me until Lunar on the Sega CD.


I think it's been decided that's going to look like Zelda but we haven't figured out how plays yet.

actually, I think that the playstyle of the game will be like zelda (top down map, sideways sprites, action based combat vs. turn-based, but that's all for now. groovybee is still waiting for more people to submit ideas so that we can then vote on what would be a "good" plot line / premise for the game.


I'll try to come up with one or two more and throw them out for everyone's opinion for the holiday weekend.

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I'm rather bored today, so here's another one for consideration:



while mining, a band of explorers unearth an [talismen] artifact that causes a rift between the planes of the living and the dead.

these gateways allow the undead to pass into our land and ravage the countryside. a legion of undead capture the miners (along with the

talisman) and drag them back into the netherworld.


the player must journey throughout the land, gaining information from the towns people and drive back hordes of the undead and closing up

each of the portals they uncover, that lead to the netherworld. conversations with the townsfolk will drive the storyline and open up new

areas to explore.



players can choose from the following classes: paladin, priest, wizard

gameplay elements [story/actions] change based on the player class chosen. the storyline is interwoven and intersects over the course of

the game (based on the character class chosen). playing through as all three classes, reveals the [whole] story and unlocks a [bonus]

dungeon that can be played as any of the three character classes.

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and finally:



you and a colleague stumble upon a set of magic pocket watches that allow you to teleport through time. unfortunately, your colleague

decides to use one of the watches for personal gain and starts traveling back in time altering the course of history.



using knowledge of major historic events the player must travel back and forth between present day and the past, to right events and

objects that your friend has caused.



this one is rather sparce in details, but I wanted to try something different from the typical sowrds 'n sorcery rpg model. the time travel element from this idea could be used for something else as well ;)

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