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Poll - 7800 Role Playing Game (RPG)



84 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you interested in a 7800 RPG?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Are you interested in helping to develop a 7800 RPG?

    • Yes, I can help with coding
    • Yes, I can help with graphics
    • Yes, I can help with sound effects or music
    • Yes, I can help with level design
    • Yes, I can help with plot, background story, characters etc.
    • No, I can only give moral support

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I'm rather bored today, so here's another one for consideration:



while mining, a band of explorers unearth an [talismen] artifact that causes a rift between the planes of the living and the dead.

these gateways allow the undead to pass into our land and ravage the countryside. a legion of undead capture the miners (along with the

talisman) and drag them back into the netherworld.


the player must journey throughout the land, gaining information from the towns people and drive back hordes of the undead and closing up

each of the portals they uncover, that lead to the netherworld. conversations with the townsfolk will drive the storyline and open up new

areas to explore.



players can choose from the following classes: paladin, priest, wizard

gameplay elements [story/actions] change based on the player class chosen. the storyline is interwoven and intersects over the course of

the game (based on the character class chosen). playing through as all three classes, reveals the [whole] story and unlocks a [bonus]

dungeon that can be played as any of the three character classes.

A Zombie Zelda game? I call Midnight Mutants 2 on this! A minor flashing out of the sotry and it's obvious.


Dr. Evil, not being one to take risks, also left an artifact that, when touched by someone, would bring him back from the dead again (just in case that kid and his grandpa did kill him).


You've even got the bloodline thing mentioned in the first game, allowing the main character to be of the line of the hero from the first game. Sequel city. Plasmic Pumpkin enemies are a must.

Edited by Atarifever
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A Zombie Zelda game? I call Midnight Mutants 2 on this! A minor flashing out of the sotry and it's obvious.


Dr. Evil, not being one to take risks, also left an artifact that, when touched by someone, would bring him back from the dead again (just in case that kid and his grandpa did kill him).


You've even got the bloodline thing mentioned in the first game, allowing the main character to be of the line of the hero from the first game. Sequel city. Plasmic Pumpkin enemies are a must.

was my pitch the premise for an existing game? if so, I had no idea (I'm not one for plagiarism). I merely run ideas around my head and jot down a few words and then see how I can throw them together and make a decent story out of a few ideas.

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Plot: Save the World!


Main Characters: Choose either Male or Female


Synopsis: You are on a camping trip with your girlfriend/boyfriend when you hear a massive rumbling noise when suddenly in the sky a shape so dark and massive it blocks out the sun and as it flies overhead you feel an incredible sense of foreboding and an odd tingling sensation! You watch in stunned awe as it moves towards a large mountain in the distance and slams into it with a terrible explosion. You turn to see your companion has collapsed to the ground and is in some state of shock and won't wake up. That tingling must have caused your companions condition but why did it not affect you as severely? You need help and you need answers, time to go find them.


Geography: One large continent.


Time setting: Medieval


Powers: In game powers will be a variety of Magical,Ethereal,Extraterrestrial


Travel: Walking,Magic,Horse


Leveling: Player starts at level one with 5 training points after enough experience as gained through quests and battles three training points will be given each level increase.


Items: Rings,Robes,Capes and Amulets will add abilities or skill increases.


Weapons: Swords,Maces,Axes,Wands,Staffs,Crossbow and Daggers


Armor: Plate,Chain,Leather,and Cloth. Shields of different types.


Classes: Crusader,Warlock,Wizard,Prowler,Knight(three options for knight Dragon,Power, Tellurian)


Economy: Zek (coins)


Civilization: Four large cities, one in each direction N,S,E,W the city to the North is the Capital city. 6 Villages scattered across the land and a few Inns along the main roads.


Enemies: Animals: Snakes,spiders,bears,cougars,bats and fish.

Humanoid: zombies,skeletons,humans

Monsters: Trolls,goblins,ogres,dragons

Ethereal: Ghosts,vapors,demons,banshee

Extraterrestrial: small bipeds,large quadrupeds.

End Boss: you'll just have to see.

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I think it should be Atari themed, with various Atari characters.


I always thought that Atari Karts didn't exploit this enough by only having Bentley Bear.


Perhaps there's a way to weave together an Atari style RPG with Atari style characters ...?


Cool idea but wouldn't there be potential copyright issues ? I agree though it would be awesome to have Atari characters in it.

Edited by kroogur
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Hmm... An earnest fantasy/medieval plot like it has been used in many classic RPG/Adventure games would sure be nice...


But i think it could also be nice to let the story happen in the present and maybe add a touch of madness/comedy to it...


The hero could be an AA-member like you and me... add some crazy enemies inspired by atari-games but modify them enough to avoid copyright issues (maybe Bruno Bear, Bentley's evil twin or so :D ) or add some AA-members as enemies/friends...


I'll see if i can come up with a plot over the weekend...

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A Zombie Zelda game? I call Midnight Mutants 2 on this! A minor flashing out of the sotry and it's obvious.


Dr. Evil, not being one to take risks, also left an artifact that, when touched by someone, would bring him back from the dead again (just in case that kid and his grandpa did kill him).


You've even got the bloodline thing mentioned in the first game, allowing the main character to be of the line of the hero from the first game. Sequel city. Plasmic Pumpkin enemies are a must.

was my pitch the premise for an existing game? if so, I had no idea (I'm not one for plagiarism). I merely run ideas around my head and jot down a few words and then see how I can throw them together and make a decent story out of a few ideas.

Not really. A Zombie Adventure game already exists on the 7800, but that's the only shared point. I'm just hoping someone would ask Atari if we could call your game "Midnight Mutants 2" and have them be part of the same series, though with different camera perspectives, like Zleda 1 and 2.

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Not really. A Zombie Adventure game already exists on the 7800, but that's the only shared point. I'm just hoping someone would ask Atari if we could call your game "Midnight Mutants 2" and have them be part of the same series, though with different camera perspectives, like Zleda 1 and 2.

Nice idea but I'd like to avoid any copyright problems with the game's title too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We'll give it another week (until 24th of July) and then we'll move on to the next poll. Come on all 7800 RPG fans! All scenario submissions welcome.


How about every goal the main character runs upon - there is a boss or master or dragon or whatever he has to defeat - with each boss needing to be defeated in different ways. Every Goal. Bosses getting increasingly more difficult not just on the levels, but every goal he comes upon. Suddenly. Again, not just on the end of the level - but upon every goal You collect a piece of gold - you fight the dude - maybe they aren't so hard - but it's action nonetheless that gets harder as you go - And then the big boss at the end of each level. Keeps the normal action of the 7800 intact while it provides a great RPG with a solid goal. But not to take away from the RPG aspect of the game, but to still utilize the 7800 for more action to play side by side with the RPG. I dunno....obviously....


Alright, stupid idea. But just thinking of fun that the 7800 could handle.


Don't hate me

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Make it hard enough that you will die nearly for sure at least a few times during the game and if you didn't save recent to this area your gonna be pissed cause you where cocky and didn't save when you had the opertunity and you have to restart from a save point that is a fair way back from where you died from, especially the first time your playing through the game this really adds to an RPG. The difficulty level is a big deal to me. I want a real challange not just a button pushing 7800 video, a real intense RPG that keeps you on your toes and leveling like a mad man cause you jsut don't know what your gonna be coming up agenst next is where it's at.


Having parts of the game where there is a cave or dungeon or something like that where your magic or ability is normally not going to be high enough to make it threw the area without stocking up on items to heal,ect. would be great also. Makes it hard to judge how to decide what to bring with you if you have a limited number of items you can carry. Which is another thing, you should only be able to carry a realistic amount of items compaired to number of people in your party be it a solo adventure or 4 person team. A solo adventure a single man can only carry so much stuff where as 4 dudes can carry, well 4 times that much.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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I would like to know if this will run on real hardware. Didn't one of your previous games only work in emulators?

Wasp! was in the 7800's 25th birthday pack and I've just received the carts for the standard edition run so it'd better damn work :lolblue:. Apple Snaffle also works fine on the real hardware. I have a version of Harry's Hen House that works on the real hardware except the graphics are a bit glitchy :(. I need to fix that before it gets a release.

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I can't believe there are seven people that said they don't actually *want* a new 7800 game! :-) Even if RPGs aren't your thing, I find this one surprising!

It depends if those seven buy it when it comes out. I bet they do ;-).

Edited by GroovyBee
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Plot: Lead the seperatists against the homelands


Synopsis: In the near future the Earth is on it's last leg, society is crumbling and prisons are overflowing. A search for inhabitible planets has successfully found a match. A distant planet with the basic necessities for human living: Water, soil, and oxygen. A plan is quickly struck to begin work on the distant planet to get it ready for the mass exodus of Earth. Prisoners are gathered and sent on the long journey to begin work. Over time the prisoners are able to build towns, start families and begin successful farming. The "Homelands" provide little to no provisions for the ex-cons and show up periodically to receive shipments of farmed goods. In the beginning the new inhabitants of the planet fight with one another for power, land, etc but eventually band together to fight oppression and succeed from the tyranistic control of the "Homelands".


setting: The near future, however the time period has a very "wild west" feel to it since the prison colony has to start building the new nation from scratch. The planet is similar to Earth however has some major differences such as: Dinosaurs, Dragons, Alien races ("the savages"). The prisoners were sent to the new planet without firearms so weapons are fairly crude except for the rare occurance of handmade crossbows and the like.


Travel: Walking, Velociraptor (land travel) Dragon (air travel)


Leveling: Player starts at level one. Experience points are given upon defeat of enemies. Points given will be based on difficulty of enemy battle. Upon leveling up player will decide which catagory to level up on game character such as: Strength (how much damage you can inflict on enemies), Aim (how often your attacks will hit enemies), Defence (increase your chance of dodgeing attacks), Vitality(increase your maximum hit points)


Weapons: Daggers, Swords, Staffs, Clubs, Brass Knuckles, Chains, Whips,


Armor: cloth, leather, jackets, wrist bands, hats, boots, scarves, goggles


Currency: Cubes


Civilization: Our main colony is surrounded by a large desert surrounding it completely on every side. We have a major city spread out in each corner (North, South, East, West) with small villages spread


throughout. A nomadic alien race inhabits the deserts and on the other side of the desert (were the humans dare not venture) lies a jungle full of mysterious creatures.


Enemies: Various monsters/dinosaurs , Alien humanoids, feuding townsfolk, Homeland Forces

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