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atari2600land's Blog - The Big Project: Day 5


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Well, day 5 came and went. They got here at about 9 this morning and left at around 6. I don't know why they don't leave earlier (I'd sure like them to). They painted the den and worked some more on my bathroom. My bathroom is still a mess. Then at 4, mom came home. She had bought me the new Dream Theater album (the deluxe, 3-cd version). It was originally $26.99 but was on sale for some reason for only $19.99. My favorite song is "The Count of Tuscany" (19:16), the longest track on it. It has inspired me to compose something like that. I fell asleep for about 90 minutes while they were working away. I wrote a poem this morning, and have decided to set it to music, hopefully making it at least 15 minutes long (the poem isn't very long, though.) Here's a MIDI of what I'm working on. The song is called "Fred the Typewriter." The piano track is the vocal. Here's what I have so far:


“born” in 1902

fred had a lot to do

assembled with keys to punch the ink

fred did more than you think

he wrote the declaration of independence of Brazil

he wrote about a porcupine quill

people typed away on him

reverend jones he wrote a hymn

on him.


I didn't really check the historical accuracy of this song. Who knows when the declaration of indepence of Brazil was written, or even if they have one to begin with. This takes up about 90 seconds' worth of time. Download it and tell me what you think. It's a MIDI file. I plan to work on this tomorrow. It's something to keep me busy while they work on painting and stuff.




Attached File(s)



fred062309.zip ( 2.14K )

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