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7800 RPG Style Poll


7800 RPG Style  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. What Style for the game?

    • Zelda style: Top down view/solo character/combat initiated by player
    • Final Fantasy style: Top down view in map mode/up to three members in your party/side view turn based combat that occurs randomly
    • Diablo style: 3/4 view/solo character/combat initiated by the player
    • Dungeon Master style: 3D First Person view/Four in your party/realtime combat

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Zelda as in the first one on the NES or Zelda as in Link To The Past on the SNES? I like Link To The Past but not a huge fan of the NES one. Final Fantasy is more my speed.


I'm not exactly sure how large scale of a game the 7800 is capable of, but if something like Link to the Past is possible, then I say go for it! Link to the Past would probably be on my video game top 10 list.


I bought FF7 when it was released because of all the hype surrounding it... that's when I discovered turn-based fighting. I made it to the first fight and never touched the game again. Yuck. Link to the Past I've played through dozens of times over the years... when it was first released on SNES, later in emulation, then I bought it again when it was released for Gameboy.


I know this is early in the process, but will you be able to save your game? Is that even possible on the 7800?

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I'm not exactly sure how large scale of a game the 7800 is capable of


From a storage space perspective at least, a heckuva lot more than we saw during its life. I'm all for a good four megabit game.


I know this is early in the process, but will you be able to save your game? Is that even possible on the 7800?


Given the HIGH SCORE cartridge saving scores and the Cuttle Cart reading off of an MMC , I don't see why not.

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[i know this is early in the process, but will you be able to save your game? Is that even possible on the 7800?

The game is probably a good candidate for my new cart design that I'm currently thinking about. In which case the answer is "Yes!", you could even pass your saved state along to your friends.

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I voted Diablo, but prefer a game in the style of Zelda. As has been explained earlier, Zelda is not an RPG, but is in fact an action-adventure game with some RPG elements mixed in. However, I think the Atari 7800 should be able to pull off a Zelda-esque while adding in even more elements of RPGs to make it unique to the system.


What I'm getting at then is it's far better to give the 7800 something unique. Not just another me-too Zelda-alike or Final Fantasy-alike or Diablo-alike, but rather take good features from some combination of those games, or perhaps all three, and mash it together into a unique presentation for the 7800. This would help show that what the 7800 is capable of in terms of this type of game, while still giving it a sort of individuality that it seems to enjoy when compared with the NES and Sega Master System.

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Do you have any ideas how to manage this type of game? It would be cool to have level editors. I also wonder how events are created/handled (collect key, open door, kill enemy, etc.)

I think its a bit early in the project for a discussion on what makes the engine tick ;).

Didn´t the 7800 have problems with scrolling?

It depends on what you want to scroll. I'll probably have to start a technical discussion as game ideas are thrown around during the design phase.

The 7800's biggest strength (in my opinion) is probably it's ability to push lots of simultaneous sprites.

The 7800 does have limits to what it can "push". Things may look fine in the current emulators but don't work as expected on the real hardware. Again, at some point a technical discussion is needed to get the game design into something that'll work on the 7800.

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To clarify: when I made the poll and I used the word style I meant as in how the game would look. For example Zelda style would be a top down view with interactions with monsters and npc's initiated by you rather than Final Fantasy style where you take a few steps and have random attacks.



So in essence you could have a game that looks like Zelda but would have more villages/towns/castles and npc's to interact like in Final Fantasy but it would still look and play like Zelda. Thats what i meant by style.

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I am not able to go back and edit maybe a mod could help?


The descriptions would be as follows:


Zelda Style: Top down view, solo character and combat is initiated by the player


Final Fantasy Style: Top down in map mode, Up to three party members and combat is random and viewed from the side and turn based.


Diablo Style: 3/4 view solo character and combat is initiated by the player.

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I am not able to go back and edit maybe a mod could help?


The descriptions would be as follows:


Zelda Style: Top down view, solo character and combat is initiated by the player


Final Fantasy Style: Top down in map mode, Up to three party members and combat is random and viewed from the side and turn based.


Diablo Style: 3/4 view solo character and combat is initiated by the player.


I don't see an obvious way to enable editing of the poll. I did give you permission to edit your first post, perhaps that will allow you to edit the poll as well. I'm not sure.



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I'm not exactly sure how large scale of a game the 7800 is capable of


From a storage space perspective at least, a heckuva lot more than we saw during its life. I'm all for a good four megabit game.


I know this is early in the process, but will you be able to save your game? Is that even possible on the 7800?


Given the HIGH SCORE cartridge saving scores and the Cuttle Cart reading off of an MMC , I don't see why not.



4megs? Heck, don't stop there! The pinout isn't much different and you can have a full 8megs!! :)

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Zelda style. Midnight Mutants 2: Dr. Evil's Return would be cool. :)


I like that.


Better than Scrapyard Dog 2: Louie's junkyard dungeons. ;-)

You encounter a rat in sunglasses.

1-- throw can

2-- jump

3-- play dumb piano minigame again

4-- realize it's just a stupid dog and let it die. Who kidnaps a freaking dog anyway.

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