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Mord's Blog - Wisdom Toothless


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I had my final wisdom tooth extracted about 24hrs ago. Took yesterday and today off work. Yesterday was obvious I wasn't going to get to work. While the pain is subdued at this point, I'm not sleeping that well and still have swelling and the like to deal with.


Here's my livejournal entry that I made 16hrs after the operation at about 2am. Not too much to add to it except I've watched more anime dvds, including:


Lost Universe Vol 3-4

Tenchi Universe Vol 7... I think. Last in the series either way.


Currently watching Blind Guardian's Imaginations through the Looking Glass. It should be over soon, at which point not sure what I'll watch. I was HOPING to watch the old VHS tapes I still have, but it looks like the cheap VCR I bought back in 2004 from Wal-mart died a quiet death in it's non-use at some point.


For the extraction, there's obviously some swelling still, which is probably what's causing any pain I'm feeling. Nothing intolerable, but still I can't see myself doing much else today but sitting on the couch and resting/sleeping. I may have to run to the corner store to pick up more juice, but that's about it. I'm hoping I'll be eating pudding at the very least by the end of today.


I guess my stomach understands the situation. I haven't had anything beyond a few glasses of juice and water in the last 32hrs or so and it's still not complaining. ;)





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