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Planet Bob - Playing Cybernoid (C64)


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Hi there!


Yup, that's right, "Cybernoid", not "Cybergoth" :lol:




This game has one major reason to be played: To listen to the music from Jeroen Tel! :music:


Overall I think Tel is a good bit overrated, but his music for the two Cybernoid games is definitely amongst the best SID offerings ever made by man.


The game itself is solid, but not without flaws. It's once again a short single load experience, which in combination with the good graphics unfortunately results in having just three levels.


Again did the designers make it a very hard game to compensate for it's shortness, up to the point where some screens are just getting unfair or luck dependent :ponder:


A clever extra weapon system to the rescue! You can hit keys 1-5 to select several extra weapons (including a shield) which, when utilized at the right time can turn a room from next-to-impossible to managable :)


Last thing I'd critisize is that the game requires a lot of memorization in order to succeed. Your chances in surviving increase big time, once you know where exit each screen best and when you're able to switch to the best suited weapon ahead of time.


Nothing special happens after beating the third level, it just loops back to the first :sad:


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see it's sequel "Cybernoid 2", but first it'll continue with something else.






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