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Jboypacman's Blog - The Wonder of the Woodgrain.


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The Atari 2600 has various models such as the Jr. and "Vader" models plus the Gemini/Columbia knock-offs that Coleco produced.


But the one version that will always stand out to me and be the one that is closest to my heart and childhood memories is the 6-switch "woody" which is called this due to its woodgrain front panel.


Yes i know there is a 4-switch "woody" too but the memories of my youth are not tied to it so while it is cool in its own right it is not the same as the 6-switch to me.


Even to this this day when i look at my woodgrain 6-switch Atari 2600 or if i happen(which is rare)to run across one in the "wild" i get this look of wonder in my eyes.


Like a small child on Christmas or a teenager who gets his first car its a very magical sort of thing for me there is little else that can cause this to happen to me.


There is just so much history i have with the 6-switch "woody" and some of my best memories as a child come from that solid state machine its just unreal sometimes.


My friends and co-workers laugh at me as i gush like some screaming schoolgirl watching there favorite boy band on television when i hear someone mention the Atari 2600.


While i love all the 2600 systems that dang 6-switch "woody" will always be the best to me and cause excitement and wonder every time i see or talk to someone about it.


Video game systems come and go but the 2600 and its woodgrain are still running strong with me and i hope this will continue to be the trend so if you can excuse me i need to go play Yar's Revenge and Space Invaders now. :)









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