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Sony patents PS2 chip emulation technology for Cell


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I'm not sure where this is going but if they do come out with a slim PS3 AND it has BC I may actually buy it.


I'm also thinking whats to stop them from simply putting this in a patch? Then they could throw PS2 games up for download and perhaps still sell PS2 consoles.


If they do that and also block your physical games from playing I wont be too happy.

Edited by cimerians
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If they do that and also block your physical games from playing I wont be too happy.

neither would I, but sony has a fairly decent track record (this time around) when it comes to not squeezing people just to squeeze them. The couple examples that come to mind are ps1 b/c and allowing import games unmodified.


hopefully they'll bring ps2 back for all of their users--or maybe it's just a patent to block others from coming out with something.

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but sony has a fairly decent track record (this time around) when it comes to not squeezing people just to squeeze them.




"Price of a current-gen PSP? $169.99. Price of the redesigned, smaller, and reportedly cheaper to make PSP Go, hitting streets this fall? $249.99. Something doesn't quite add up here, and as far as we can tell, the only reason Sony's charging more for the slimmer version is because they think shoppers will pay it. No dout that makes good business sense, but it's hardly a consumer-friendly policy. And while we love the design and ergonomics of the petite portable, that $80 surcharge is hard to swallow."



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Was entertaining reading a thread about this today at Amazon.com


All the idiots there think this is a signal that Sony is rationalizing their console lineup and discontinuing the PS2. I guess they think Sony wants to kill one of the few money makers it has and basically force PS2 development to end. And I guess they seriousily think a $400 console that can now play PS2 titles if this is true will be a comparable replacement to a $100 PS2. Somehow I doubt anyone that is going out there today seeking a way to just play PS2 titles would consider that a viable option.


If anything, I think this is a sign that the PS2 still has some life in it if they think its commercially viable enough to fund the costly development of PS2 software emulation and (Speculation) release PS2 downloadable titles on the PS3.


I'll never use it besides a few times to check it out, but I hope it happens. I don't hold it against a console if its backwards compatible, but I think its cool when it has the capability.

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I'm confused about this anyways. The Emotion Engine has already been emulated when Sony went to a hybrid hardware/emulation setup before cutting PS2 BC completely.


I thought it was the Graphics Synthesizer (GPU) that hadn't been emulated?


DaytonaUSA, of course they would do that. This is just a software program. They're not making this to just install to new PS3's. They also likely intend to sell PS2 titles on PSN, so just making it be installed on brand new PS3's doesn't make any sense.


What worries some is that it will be tied to just PSN releases and not onenly usuable by disc based PS2 titles. But they appear to being more than fair with things like allowing you multiple installs of PSN titles, openly allowing gamesharing, etc. So I'm not worried.


What wouldn't surprise me. though I consider it unlikely. would be them selling the PS2 emulation program as a PSN download for $10 or so.

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What wouldn't surprise me. though I consider it unlikely. would be them selling the PS2 emulation program as a PSN download for $10 or so.


If that's the case, and it's like the web browser for the Wii (after the free promotion), and it doesn't allow for any region disks to be played, they I won't be downloading it.


I'll never ever want to get rid of my white ps3. I love it too much, it's a fantastic system. But getting a slim in addition might be something that would be nice down the road when the price goes down a touch.

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There's no doubt it would be region locked. The PSOne emulator is region locked and they'd be afraid of angering publishers that wanted region locks on their games by disabling it.


Its something they can manage to do away with on games on a new platform, but it isn't something they can freely eliminate on a older platform since it would violate agreements.


Why'd you import a PS3? Seems puzzling to me since the way your talking, its not one of the ones that is already BC with PS2 titles (Though yours would only play Japanese releases) and PS3 games are region free. Unless you wanted to play Japanese PSOne titles and videos, I'm confused why you'd do it.


You'll never be able to play North American PS2 titles on it even with a emulator.

Edited by Atariboy
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For the color?


To each his own I guess, but I'd never sacrifice functionality for a color scheme myself.


I could see importing a UK one someday if PS2 emulation comes to pass. There's a fair number of European PSOne/PS2 titles I'd like to play and at least one PSN title that didn't make it out over here (Outrun Online Arcade, though I have the XBLA release.

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My wife purchased a PS3 for us for our wedding present (blu ray and game console) for both of us...$600 U.S. dollars day one. I have had no problems with it what so ever. I love the fact that I can play a ps1 ps2 or ps3 game in it. Yes the ps1 japanese game compatibility issue sucks, but it is by far the best system to own.


Then I go to vegas 2 years later and win a free 80 gig backwards one. Do I need two? Nope, but I keep the other just in case somethin happens.. I will never buy a PS3 if it is not compatible....


As for a white PS3? Sounds cool, but was it worth the money here in the states?


p.s. I have like 10 boxed ps2 systems (9 are new never used) so I will always be able to play my ps2 collection of over 1600 games.

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From what I understand this is not really news worthy. The Emoticon engine was already emulated on some later PS3's with backwards compatibility and the GPU would need to be emulated as well for full software emulation. That is not to say PS2 backwards compatibility won't be emulated in the future, because I think it will and it should.


I am with some of you on here, if the price came down on the PS3 and I could play my PS2/PS1 games my current gen platform choice would tip in favor of the PS3 especially since I don't have a blu-ray player it would really save space and I am still holding out on this generation, but have been getting the bug and will take the plunge soon one way or the other (360 vs PS3).

Edited by Warriorisabouttodie
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Perhaps by patenting ps2 hardware emulation, sony want's to create another Bleem/Connectix vgs scenario...i.e try and wipe out all forms of emulation of the ps2


it didnt' work with the ps1/playstation (if epsxe and similar emu's are anything to go by) so i cannot see it working here


I reckon that give it 18-30 months and ps2 emulation will be upto the level of epsxe etc


I dunno why sony don't follow nintendo's line and embrace emulation

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What do you mean by following Nintendo's line and embracing emulation?


Nintendo doesn't like PC emulation and I'm sure would end it if they could.


If you mean they're somehow embracing emulation more than Nintendo because of the Virtual Console, don't forget that PSOne compatibility is through emulation on both the PSP and PS3, that they've already done partial PS2 emulation on the PS3, and rumors point to possibly full blown software emulation of the PS2 on the platform in the future. How is that any different than what Nintendo is doing?

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were almost 3 years into the consoles life, is lack of bc really and honestly keeping somebody from buying the system at this point?


if you already own a ps2 its such an utter non-issue. they don't take up that much room. :P


ive had a 60 gig for 2 years and have played ps2 games on it maybe a dozen times. ive used every other feature far more. i bought a ps3 to play ps3 games.

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If you are waiting on buying a PS3 (3 years into the lifespan) because of the backwards compatibility, this may be a very feasible idea!


If you bought a PS3 to play PS3 games, Where are they?


When the ps1 ended they gave us some of the most steller grapphix popssible on the ps1 and they gave us incredible games to play.


When the ps2 has almost ended they have given us Devil Summoner 2? Another Madden? Nothing if you ask me. I feel as if the developers have switched over to a similiar format to program for with the X360. (that sucks for us)


PS3 is missing out on the better quality games when you miss out on PS2 title game play....with the upscaling I would rather play some PS1 games...

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What wouldn't surprise me. though I consider it unlikely. would be them selling the PS2 emulation program as a PSN download for $10 or so.


If that's the case, and it's like the web browser for the Wii (after the free promotion), and it doesn't allow for any region disks to be played, they I won't be downloading it.

Actually, I kind of hope they do go this route. Certain parties would dump the code and 'fix' region compatibility in fairly short order.

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