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atari2600land's Blog - My cat isn't doing so good


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Her back legs must be bothering her because she can't walk very far before she has to sit down. Mind you, she's 16 years old, but before this had no health problems whatsoever. What i'm hoping for is that she get better, but at 16 years old, i don't know if that's going to happen. Since she is 16, i've had her for more than half my life and it would feel so weird without her. It's weird, too, because that's the same problem with my 11-year-old dog, but otherwise seems to feel fine. Why do all the pets we have seem to have leg problems?

In other news, in 1996, 1999, and 2001 I wrote three 36-page volumes of poems that make no sense. I thought it's high time for another volume, so i've been a poem machine recently, writing stuff left and right to make another one. Here's just a sample of what i've written recently:


i went to check the mail at midnight and then

i got attacked by a guy named Ben

stupid mailman never came

and now both my legs are lame

it’s that damn mail man i blame

he crippled my legs so now i can’t walk

and he cut them off and used them as window caulk.

Hmm, this one must have been subconsciencely caused by my cat's leg problems.



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