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My 'Custom' 7800


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Hi guys, just wanted to share this :)


I have been trying to get a 7800 case that isn't so beat-up looking, to no avail. I noticed that most of my newly-acquired items were white (Mac Mini, Wii, etc.) so I had asked Curt if there were any white 7800 shells left from when they were going to re-release them. Not really expecting a 'yes' answer, he told me they were very expensive to produce anyway, and that I might be better off painting it. Don't know if he said that tongue-in-cheek, but it planted a seed...



I picked up a can of Glossy White spray paint, Metallic Silver spray paint, and Sparkle Charcoal Grey spray print (to use on another case), and painted outside this morning. This 7800 was also modded with the 8-bit domain Composite video out, and the LED was replaced with a rainbow-colored one. :D


So I present to you, my white 7800:








I know about the left edge of the silver, I'll touch that up later.


The last thing I plan on doing is getting some Black pin striping to put above and below the silver strip (mostly to hide the bleeding of the silver spray paint onto the white).


I can put this next to my Wii now! (not that I ever play either of them) :ponder:



That is one awesome looking 7800!! Is the plug n play controller actually modded to be compatable?? If so that is prolly the swweeettest thing I've ever seen!!

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Still trying to figure out if it's worth the cost of doing this. I am averaging about $35 to get a 7800, $10 for parts for the video mod, $6 for the paint (it's expensive paint!) $1 for the CD-ROM cable, and $10 for the new aluminum strip. So it ends up costing me approx $62 just to do one of these. :ponder:

... then add shipping - usually about $10. I doubt anyone would pay $75 - $80 for one of these.



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Hi guys:


MIMO! :) To answer your earlier question, let me try and get a little 'streamline' going to figure out how to reduce the cost... Like I said I can't see anyone spending $75-$80 on this. Secondly, yes the paint is Kryon Fusion... Looking at doing this yourself? ;)


Thanks, everyone else for the compliments. I would like doing this, if it weren't for the price. Maybe I should just post a instruction guide for anyone to do it themselves. :-/


The Pac-Man controller was modded to be a 7800 controller. It works GREAT for 4-way games (it is a 4-way controller). I even e-mailed the company to find out if they can send me just the shells, or maybe even units where the electronics don't work. Never heard back.


@Mot: Here it is. :)


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We have a liquidator that had dozens of those pac-man games defective... 99 cents each. Hadn't been in the store for a long time though. Never know what they will have... one week its a truck load of cloths from Target... the next week its kids stuff from K-Mart. That's how I wound up with hundreds of PS2 Guitars (wish I hadn't).



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Hi guys:


MIMO! :) To answer your earlier question, let me try and get a little 'streamline' going to figure out how to reduce the cost... Like I said I can't see anyone spending $75-$80 on this. Secondly, yes the paint is Kryon Fusion... Looking at doing this yourself? ;)


Thanks, everyone else for the compliments. I would like doing this, if it weren't for the price. Maybe I should just post a instruction guide for anyone to do it themselves. :-/


The Pac-Man controller was modded to be a 7800 controller. It works GREAT for 4-way games (it is a 4-way controller). I even e-mailed the company to find out if they can send me just the shells, or maybe even units where the electronics don't work. Never heard back.


@Mot: Here it is. :)

$80 shipped maybe :twisted:

Been looking at that paint for a while, but there is only one place in the UK that stock it, and they will only send by courier at a huge cost. Maybe I should get some though.

Thanks for the top label as well Bob, that will look great, now has anyone got a full sized label scanned so I can print one off when I make a white cart


We have a liquidator that had dozens of those pac-man games defective... 99 cents each. Hadn't been in the store for a long time though. Never know what they will have... one week its a truck load of cloths from Target... the next week its kids stuff from K-Mart. That's how I wound up with hundreds of PS2 Guitars (wish I hadn't).





So those sticks are genuine 4 way sticks? Interested in getting hold of one of those if you find one Ax :cool:

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Not sure why but the Beige one really appeals to me! They all look great but that one in particular looks just better to me. All nice!


And I thought I was odd for thinking the same lol! I am always one to go for the non - typical looking items.....


That said they all look terrific, I think I really want to do that to an XEGS, change those colors to something more macho lol!

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You know, for a nice light blue (shade of Mega Man) color console with the video mod and a power switch that didn't suck you know what (you know maybe an actual SWITCH, or at the very least a button that would push down to be on and pop back UP when you pushed it off, as opposed to the half-assed wiggle it just a little bit try to make it move one that comes standard okay I'm rambling will shut up now) I might even pay $100 for it, especially if it had the BIOS skip/Asteroids mod built in.

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Hi guys:


MIMO! :) To answer your earlier question, let me try and get a little 'streamline' going to figure out how to reduce the cost... Like I said I can't see anyone spending $75-$80 on this. Secondly, yes the paint is Kryon Fusion... Looking at doing this yourself? ;)


Thanks, everyone else for the compliments. I would like doing this, if it weren't for the price. Maybe I should just post a instruction guide for anyone to do it themselves. :-/


The Pac-Man controller was modded to be a 7800 controller. It works GREAT for 4-way games (it is a 4-way controller). I even e-mailed the company to find out if they can send me just the shells, or maybe even units where the electronics don't work. Never heard back.


@Mot: Here it is. :)

$80 shipped maybe :twisted:

Been looking at that paint for a while, but there is only one place in the UK that stock it, and they will only send by courier at a huge cost. Maybe I should get some though.

Thanks for the top label as well Bob, that will look great, now has anyone got a full sized label scanned so I can print one off when I make a white cart


We have a liquidator that had dozens of those pac-man games defective... 99 cents each. Hadn't been in the store for a long time though. Never know what they will have... one week its a truck load of cloths from Target... the next week its kids stuff from K-Mart. That's how I wound up with hundreds of PS2 Guitars (wish I hadn't).





So those sticks are genuine 4 way sticks? Interested in getting hold of one of those if you find one Ax :cool:

oops, I have one in a pile of crap useful stuff in the garage

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