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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Ive tried emailing the 'thrust headquarters' but since recieving my paypal payment, I have not recieved a reply to emails...


Has any one recieved their Thrust DCs? I was part of the early list of registrants back around may of this year...


Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

enjoy the ride. we're all still waiting. honestly I believe I'll get the thing eventually, I just hope it's before I move ... which will be sometime in August or September.


Hey, that's JUST 7 or 8 months more months. No problem for all of us who've been waiting 8 months already :P


I'd just like to know how jahfish is picking the people who he sends the thing to. Is it the one's who he's "friends" with, or is it the ones who come after him?


Speak! Jahfish..... :x :x :x

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I'd just like to know how jahfish is picking the people who he sends the thing to. Is it the one's who he's "friends" with, or is it the ones who come after him?


I am friends with him and I probably live closest to him of all his foreign buyers, but I have not received my package yet.


So, "friends" and "shipping time/cost" are not the criteria he uses.


Speak! Jahfish.....


:idea: YES, Fish, PLEASE SPEAK UP! :idea:






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I'm not sure about the timeline, but I thought he moved after his exhibition. I know he was looking for storage space for his collection at that time, perhaps he had already moved prior to the exhibition and just needed the storage space.


Hm, my memory fails me here. Perhaps Matty can help?




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all this talk scares me. has anyone recieved one in the past few months?

I thought someone did?

Yes, two sets arrived around Christmas, but one got delayed about two months because the person had moved.


Check here: http://www.atariage.com/forums/viewtopic.p...=17152&start=25


Since then: Nothing! :sad:

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Not sure, if he has a new home. I have his old adress, maybe I try to visit him. But I don't know when I have time. And I don't know, when he is at home.


I will try to phone him first, I have a Handy number from him. I hope he has this number and has not change it in the last month. When I not forget it, I will try to phone him today (in some hours, after I was sleeping).


Then I will tell you all, what happen. Maybe when I get him at phone I will tell him that he should post something here.


Don't know what happen too him, in the past he has ship good, not the fasted, but all arrived good. Thrust + have I get from him, after I visit him. And in his museum (that he has for some month in Berlin) he has many Thrust + Boxes, and tell me he will ship them. :?

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Ok, I have phone him and here what he tell me (I hope all understand my bad english, I can't explain it so good):


He has some problems with the owner from the room where he has his museum for some month in Berlin. They have not give him back his games and computer and have look the room, so he can't write anything in the moment. He has now get back his games, when I understand it right, but still no computer.

So he has many trouble, but he will send it in the next weeks, and he will post soon here on AtariAge on an other computer at his work (or someone else).


He has too some mailproblems, when I undertstand it right. But in the moment he has no computer. :(


So at all, who have not get it, please wait, he has many stress and trouble with these owners from the room where his museum was. But he will send it soon. :(


I hope everything will be fine soon, for Jah Fish and everyone else.


PS: Sorry for my bad english, I hope everyone understand it. If not, I will write it in german and CPUWIZ or Marco can translate it better. ;)

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I dont want to sound too negative, but when fish did have a computer a couple of weeks ago (when he was selling his t-shirts on ebay) he also didn't respond to email or post on this messageboard.


I do hope he sort things out soon, aswell as his personal problems.




Yes, thats strange, don't know what wrong. Maybe he buy end sell from an other computer on work or from a friend? The last auctions from him was in January. But maybe he can tell more, when he post soon something here, maybe tomorrow, or the next days.


Good Wishes for you Jah Fish, I hope all will be allright soon. :sad:

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