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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Can anybody tell me what is the problem with Jah Fish now ?


Did he try to sell the game and did not send it or did he not send the footpedals ?

Don't worry, the problem are not your footpedals, but the whole set.


Fish has collected the money more than 9 months ago from about 50 people (~$70) and has yet only delivered about 20 sets, the last ones in December. Since then he refuses to reply to my mails (so I have stopped mainling him) and since January he doesn't even reply here on the board. He doesn't care at all!

He also didn't pay back the 700EUR I lend him ("for 6-8 weeks") for accelerating the whole process. And he also owes some people additional stuff. All this accumultates to at least $2500.

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Hi Thomas,


Thanks for your numerous messages and sorry for not responding sooner.


I paid $61.00 via PayPal to Nicolas Neugebauer (paypal@nicoflash.de) as per Jah Fish's instructions on 10 July 2002, the breakdown of which was as follows: $49 (game) + $11 (shipping) +$1 (fees).


I asked him to send it to my home address in Switzerland after the end of the summer as I was away on an extended vacation visiting my parents, but it never arrived and I only heard from Jah Fish once after that; he said he was having some problems with his girlfriend and getting the game sent out to people.


I will send you a copy of the PayPal transaction by email or by post, whichever you prefer, with a signed statement confirming what I have written here if you want me to.


Good luck getting the money back, although I'd still prefer the game after all. And yes, if anyone tracks Jah Fish down just let me know where he is...



John Christovassilis

(thejpc on eBay)


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Can anybody tell me what is the problem with Jah Fish now ?


Did he try to sell the game and did not send it or did he not send the footpedals ?

Don't worry, the problem are not your footpedals, but the whole set.


Fish has collected the money more than 9 months ago from about 50 people (~$70) and has yet only delivered about 20 sets, the last ones in December. Since then he refuses to reply to my mails (so I have stopped mainling him) and since January he doesn't even reply here on the board. He doesn't care at all!

He also didn't pay back the 700EUR I lend him ("for 6-8 weeks") for accelerating the whole process. And he also owes some people additional stuff. All this accumultates to at least $2500.


I don´t understand this.He bought lots of games from me (ebay) and I never had problems with him.

He also bought lots of footpedals and empty cassette cases from me - no problems , too.


Can´t understand that he refuses to answer to emails.


But he hasn´t bought items from my auctions the last 6 months ...


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I'm not having problems with Fish concerning Thrust, but I try to help you guys in finding him. And so I checked the net...


He is working for this company: http://www.subotage.de/


The "contact" page there lists his eMail-address at work as jahfish@subotage.com


The phone no. at work is: +49 30 44312495


Some of his collegues at work are:

Karin - booking@subotage.com

Alex - alex@subotage.com

Yaneq - yaneq@subotage.com

Martin - martin@subotage.com


Asking them about him or his private telephone-no. may lead to a direct contact.


Good luck and best regards,



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BTW: How did you find that? What keywords did you use when searching?


I searched for "subotage entertainment" as he gave me that c/o-address for the shipment of his copy of my game "Mental Kombat". He later stated that he never got the game, but that's another sad story about this guy. :(


Good luck!



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He later stated that he never got the game, but that's another sad story about this guy. :(

:idea: You can always join us if you want.


BTW: Anybody volunteers to phone Fish :?:


I really don't want to. And I know it would become a very nasty talk (from my side) and that wouldn't help very much.

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:idea: You can always join us if you want.


No need for that, as I simply don't believe him. I don't have any problems with him and he doesn't owe me something, but I decided some months ago already that I'll not trade with him again.


Best regards,



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:idea: Since Fish has got some negative feedback on that one lately and hasn't used it since then for about two months, I guess the more active travelfish_de account is much more promising.


BTW: From his latest auctions there it looks like Fish is currently renovating his flat.

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waiting to hear from jah fish is starting to be like the neverending story.

Yes, but now it's his time that is running. The forms are prepared and just need to be translated. As soon as we all have signed his time is up!


So maybe he has another two weeks (agreed?) from now, but no more. If nothing real positive (substantial money back, many Thrust+ sets arriving) happens until then he has to take the consequences.

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Fish posted a rather long message to me and a few otheres involved.  


He tried to explain the reasons and apologized. But he also mentioned that he will soon post here too. So I better let him tell the whole story himself.


He never e-mail me back in the last weeks I have write him over eBay for some days. :?


And the last time I phone him for some month he tell me too, that he will post here, and a week later he tell Sonnenhexer the same, but he never done it. So I don't know if he will do it, but who knows, we can only hope he will answer soon here or somewhere else.

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From the trade I (surprisingly) completed with Jah Fish, here's his address:


> sebastien clave

> c/o subotage entertainment

> sonnenburgerstr. 56

> 10437 berlin

> germany



> greetings


> fish


So he has moved? From which date is this address? I have maybe an old one this:

Sebastien Clave

Kadettenweg 2

12205 Berlin


But the last time I was there was last year. :?


I know I'm responding kind of late, and it looks like Thomas has already managed to contact him. But irregardless, the last email I got from him in October had the following address:


"yes, i moved to:


sebastien clave

c/o zfk communications

urbanstr. 116

10961 berlin"

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