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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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ANOTHER Atari thief? This is the second one I read about in the last month. These people should have their hands cut off. That way they can't type, can't post ads on websites, and therefore can't steal money from people.


(I hate thieves. Can you tell? I got a guy right now who purchased Skies of Arcadia from me, but refuses to pay. It's been 2 weeks now, and it's pissing me off.)

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  • 4 weeks later...
For some reason, I actually believe Fish at this point, that he will do what he has promised.


Of course I didn't order one of these either.

Up until this situation arose, he was VERY trustworthy.


So, I'm wrong again. *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

:idea: According to Fish, he has just started sending out Thrust+!


Already send should be:

T#01 Thomas Linke cyberscreen

T#02 Stephen Colbert

T#03 Ubersaurus

T#04 Steve Jacobs

T#06 BloatedMonkey


T#08 Marco Kerstens SENT 9/16

T#09 ianoid


T#11 cwilkson

T#12 JimC

T#13 kstaszkow

T#14 Russ Perry Jr SENDING TODAY

T#15 Pitfall Harry

T#16 bfstats

T#17 Carl Eugene Howard SENT 9/16

T#18 AtariKari

T#19 burgel

T#20 Eric

T#21 David Harshbarger SENT 9/16

T#22 godzilla SENT 9/16

T#23 JerryG

T#25 Matt Reichert

T#26 Philflound

T#27 BradVargovick  SENT 9/16

T#30 landsmarra SENT 9/16

T#33 ChuckGill SENT 9/16

T#40 mattyXB

T#41 Mao + TRADE ITEMS SENT 9/16

T#44 lee Krüger

T#48 Thomas Bauer + TRADE ITEMS SENT 9/16

T#50 ren.dhark+ TRADE ITEMS


To be sent soon:

T#29 black dog (adress confirmation?)

T#34 JoeGrand + TRADE ITEMS (searching for some items)

T#35 Waggie the CPA  (a. c.?)

T#36 moycon (a. c.?)

T#37 les_boulez

T#39 Brian Prescott

T#42 Rolenta/leonard

T#45 Tomas Orozco

T#46 AtariPitbull



Please report back (here or via eMail) as soon as something arrives and if it is complete.


Maybe there will be a happy ending to this never ending story soon. :)


@Al: Could you make this topic sticky again, please?

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oh, i posted the list on the other thread too ...


seems that me and thomas are a good team again ;)


anyway, let me know when the games arrive here on the board!


besides the delivery, there is 5 free sets at the end, so get back to me if you didn't order your set yet!

i can understand if you didn't do it previously! :P ;)



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there is two problems:


1) i can't reach marty ... does anybody know where he is or how to contact him? he payed for the game but not for shipping !?


2) i can't reach john from switzerland ... does anybody know where he is or how to contact him? since his two old email-adresse are off i would like to have a confirmed adress ....

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What the hell!!!!


At this point in time, what difference does it make weather it is shipped via surface or air. I think Sebastian Fish outta ship everything via airmail. This is ridiculous.


I know that I paid extra for air and I feel ripped.


JerryG wrote:  

Count me in!  

Just let me know what I need to do.  




thats a bit strange, i've been sending your package last oktober and it should have arrived long ago around xmas ...  


also i am waiting for your book since january 2003 ...


Hmmm.. I don't think Jerry took pre-orders and I don't think he charged for air/surface rates.



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What the hell!!!!


At this point in time, what difference does it make weather it is shipped via surface or air. I think Sebastian Fish outta ship everything via airmail. This is ridiculous.


I know that I paid extra for air and I feel ripped.  


JerryG wrote:  

Count me in!  

Just let me know what I need to do.  




thats a bit strange, i've been sending your package last oktober and it should have arrived long ago around xmas ...  


also i am waiting for your book since january 2003 ...


Hmmm.. I don't think Jerry took pre-orders and I don't think he charged for air/surface rates.




no doubt. If I were the one who had perpetrated this disaster, I'd be shipping shit as close to next day air as I humanly could, just out of common courtesy for the ages I had already made them wait. But that's just me.

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If you like to be so exact about everything then please write sebastien with E. thanx!

and since you obviously need a special treatment i sent you back the extra ammount for shipping, money that i actually would have needed to pay back thomas ....


I know that I paid extra for air and I feel ripped.  

you got your money back, now feel however you want but please stop calling me all those names, don't try to reinvent my own name and find something else to canalise your bad mood please ...


I think Sebastian Fish outta ship everything via airmail. This is ridiculous.

it's a ridiculous proposal to someone who has no money .... ever thought about that one?

it would just delay the shipping again because i'd need weeks to get the extra cash togather again .... do you remember? i allready wrote that last week .... and i am getting really tired about your comments!

i'd like to have good mood and finish packaging the sets instead of waisting time with you here!

you got your set ages ago and told us often enough what you think about me ....

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