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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Hmmm.. I don't think Jerry took pre-orders and I don't think he charged for air/surface rates.



it wasn't a preorder! i payed for it! then he wanted to include it in a trade but it never happened and he never replied to my mails!

maybe someone friendly could send me his actual emailadress by PM ....

as far as i know he isn't part of atari2600.com !?



no doubt. If I were the one who had perpetrated this disaster, I'd be shipping shit as close to next day air as I humanly could, just out of common courtesy for the ages I had already made them wait. But that's just me.

if lee would have taken a look at the lists posted here and activated his brain, he would have seen that 98% of the remaining people get their games by airmail anyway .... in your case, it would have costed about 35$ more to send by airmail! you might understand that it's something i cannot do.


i am sure there will be enough other occasions to do something for the people that waited so long .... something better than getting the game a week sooner or later or better than the cash i sent to lee. the day of the arrival will be forgotten soon and the 10$ allready spent. I'll find the appropriate reward for those who have been waiting so patiently!


now i'll leave my office (may i? it's 1.22 in the morning) and i have to leave 5 unboxed thrust plus here .... the last ones to be sent! complain to lee if you get your box a day later!


and these boxes go in the mail tomorrow morning:


T#35 Waggie the CPA   

T#37 RandyJones   

T#45 Tomas Orozco

T#36 moycon


good night

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I'll be damned!!


I come home and there is a PayPal payment (a refind for shipping) from Sebastar.... uh, I mean, "Nicolas Neugebauer". Is that how you are spelling your name these days? :D


In any event. I am glad you are making good on your overdue debts.

I'm sure you learned a big leasson here. You are absolutely correct, I've been to petty about this. After all, you are not the first one to rip over $3000 off from the classic gaming community. Like Paul Oswood, you are doing good.


Take care Mr Fish,


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sorry, but lee had nearly a whole year to calm down. he HAS his set since last year!

Maybe. But probably since he could not address his anger about the delay directly at the right person he is using his chance now. IMO that's only natural.


You shouldn't except that automatically everything will be ok like it was before the Thrust+ disaster. This will at least require some time and probably for some of us it will never be the same again.


well now he has 12$ more in his pockets, enough for a few beers. maybe this will help!

Sure. :)

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... and again comes Lee's favorite sport: he spreads more incorrect facts while beeing so petty about it! it's not more than 3000$. it's 2385 euro is you want to know exactly ... and since i sent out most games now there's only 4 games left to send and two-third to pay of what i owe thomas .... and let's all laugh about about your brandnew fresh "name-joke" because it is so damn funny ...


- i've learned a lot from you:


1) that i'll never base my arguments on wrong facts like you do it.


2) that i won't call people various names (and not stop doing it) just because i sit 7000 miles away and i feel safe, not realising how stupid or off-topic i can be.


3) that i won't try to make any jokes that are simply not funny!


4) that i will always doublecheck my homebrews (if i ever do anything in that direction) so i don't give away combats that can be air-sea-battle carts (lmao on this one)


5) that i won't bother people the way you did, when i know they are making efforts to change a situation and that your remarks can actually put the other people's items in danger and wouldn't make anything better besides your personal mood.


6) that i'll never be so arrogant to post so much s*** in public while i don't dare to make those statements in a personal mail. (it was fun to read your email, finding out that you can be soooo friendly and spell my name correctly too)


7) that it's sometimes better to pay 12$ instead of having to read the same crap again and again and again ...

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 1) that i'll never base my arguments on wrong facts like you do it.


Fact: You took money w/o delivering a product. Although you appear to be making ammends on this. I'm not sure if it the the threat of legal action or the guilt in your own heart that made you do the right thing. Perhaps a little of both.

Fact: You ignored emails for well over a year. Not only that, you ignored the emails and requests of several others in the classic gaming community.

Fact: Only time I heard form you was when you wanted something of mine. Other than that, my emails went unanswered.

Fact: You stole NWCGE and ResQsoft website content and had he balls to state that you were using it with permission.

Fact: You refused to remove the web content after you were asked politely to do so, not only by me, but by others as well.

Fact: You stated misleading and false information in your auctions. Even after being notified about it, you continued to ignore requests to take it down.


 2) that i won't call people various names (and not stop doing it) just because i sit 7000 miles away and i feel safe, not realising how stupid or off-topic i can be.


Just what the hell is your name anyways? JAH, Sabastien, Fish, Nicolas, WALLCITYCOLLECTORZ, Clyde?

Maybe you ought to quite hiding behind so many names and post your full name to people when you do bussiness. Without such information we all take our best guess.


 3) that i won't try to make any jokes that are simply not funny!

So, far, I don't think any of your shenanigans have been that funny. This was supposed to be a funny joke.


4) that i will always doublecheck my homebrews (if i ever do anything in that direction) so i don't give away combats that can be air-sea-battle carts (lmao on this one)


You have no clue where these carts came from do you?

Your ignorance shows once again. Wombats and Air-Sea-Cattle carts are not homebrews. They were gag prizes at the 1997 and 1998 NWCGE meets. And one other fact, I didn't make these.


5) that i won't bother people the way you did, when i know they are making efforts to change a situation and that your remarks can actually put the other people's items in danger and wouldn't make anything better besides your personal mood.




Please don't bother us with anymore of your whinning then.


6) that i'll never be so arrogant to post so much s*** in public while i don't dare to make those statements in a personal mail. (it was fun to read your email, finding out that you can be soooo friendly and spell my name correctly too)


Hmmm.... Maybe you should've read the email I've sent you over the past year. You'll find this is not true. I can be just as harsh in personal email. Would you like a PM? I can get real nasty if you want. :P


7) that it's sometimes better to pay 12$ instead of having to read the same crap again and again and again ...  


How about interest? Just kidding, of course.


Thanks for the $12 Nicolas/Fish/Sebastien/Jah/Clyde or whoever the hell you are. I think you should listen to Thomas. Quit whinning here and deliver your goods and see how things go from there. It is going to take a long time to heal the wounds. Unfortunately, you will always have a scar from this. People don't forget easily. Some never do.


Good luck,


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I will never forget.


No matter what he does now, it doesnt change the FACT that he buggered us all and ignored us while selling stuff on ebay, obviously on the internet, and ignoring his problems.


He only showed up after threatened with legal action. Pretty simple to me, really. Of course he is selling off his stuff and finally shipping it and showing up here trying to make amends, WE are the ones taking legal action against him, so NOW it's convient for him to care about us again. I don't care for his mastrabatory rhetoric, especially when he is the one in the wrong here.


Yes, he is lucky he is not being charged interest. (Heck just the two games I bought at a standard 14% monthly credit card rate (which is what I -PAY- on MY debt,) would be an extra $250+ by now.)


Must be nice NOT to pay on your debt, then come here and bitch and whine TO your debtors.


Grow up.


Maybe all of us who were involved in this can get t-shirts made that state: 'I got buggered by Ja Fish'


:x :_( :mad: :x :_( :mad: :x :_( :mad: :x :_( :mad: :x :_( :mad:

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Does this really have to be a sticky at this point?  :ponder:

You are right, the last page of this thread really wasn't very important or promotive for community. :roll:


But IMO when the sets or money finally arrives, we should make this as thread prominent as it was when we had to complain about them missing.

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JerryG wrote:  

Count me in!  

Just let me know what I need to do.  




thats a bit strange, i've been sending your package last oktober and it should have arrived long ago around xmas ...  


also i am waiting for your book since january 2003 ...


I have received nothing, nada, zip!


I have your book. I was to ship it with our next trade but we never consumated a next trade. I tried emailing you as to what to do about it but like other emails, you never answered me.


When I receive my Thrust package and payment for shipping costs I'll send the book to you.

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Does this really have to be a sticky at this point?  :ponder:

You are right, the last page of this thread really wasn't very important or promotive for community. :roll:


But IMO when the sets or money finally arrives, we should make this as thread prominent as it was when we had to complain about them missing.

Absolutely agreed, but maybe a new thread with a more positive header like Great News, Thrust + arrived today could be prominently displayed as a sticky at that point.
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Absolutely agreed, but maybe a new thread with a more positive header like Great News, Thrust + arrived today could be prominently displayed as a sticky at that point.

Since Godzilla started this thread, its up to him to change the topic into something like:

*UPDATE* Somebody heared something about Thrust DC! :)

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Absolutely agreed, but maybe a new thread with a more positive header like Great News, Thrust + arrived today could be prominently displayed as a sticky at that point.

Since Godzilla started this thread, its up to him to change the topic into something like:

*UPDATE* Somebody heared something about Thrust DC! :)


In 4-6 weeks when/if it finally arrives, we'll see how I feel :)

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