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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Ok, I have phone him and here what he tell me (I hope all understand my bad english, I can't explain it so good):


Thanks for the update, Matty!


One of these days I'll finish learning German, and you'll not need to post in English anymore. :)

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I called fish a few minutes ago.


He has troubles with the people where he had an exhibition, they locked away his computer and carts and so on.

He said, he will try to go online at a friend and post here at AA.



Thanks for the news. Its the same, what he tell me about ca. a week ago.


I hope he will soon post someting. That all will be clear. :ponder: :roll:

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Well this all makes sense now. From my privileged position I have forgotten how hard it is to get internet access in some parts of the world, like, say, North Korea, Rwanda and, apparently, Berlin.


Sincere apologies for jumping to conclusions. I'm sure these copies of Thrust+, pictured below in a photo taken during the very recent and elaborate event in November, will be in the hands of their purchasers soon:




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  • 3 weeks later...

Fish and I have done some trading, but I also have not received my thrust plus with foot pedel. I was about to break down and buy one of the copies from the AtariAge store, but it looks like some people are starting to get a hold of Fish, so I will wait a little longer to see if I will get the copy that I already paid for.


:? :( :?

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Has any one recieved their Thrust DCs? I was part of the early list of registrants back around may of this year...  


Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.


I finally recieved mine late last year (October/November I believe). This was after many neglected email responses from Jah and Thomas as well regarding the status of my order. Rick Weis was over at my place this weekend and was astonished to see that I got mine and he is still waiting.


I dont want to sound too negative, but when fish did have a computer a couple of weeks ago (when he was selling his t-shirts on ebay) he also didn't respond to email or post on this messageboard. I do hope he sort things out soon, as well as his personal problems.


This bugs the hell out of me. While neglecting my emails regarding my order for Thrust, out of the blue I get an email from Jah asking that I step down from an auction item I had just won. He was the 2nd highest bidder and I guess forgot about the auction until it was too late. He has some nerve to neglect answering my email regarding non-delievery and then out of the blue ask me for a favor like that. Money problems.. I don't believe it. He is still bidding and selling on ebay. The guy is a little $#!+ not to be trusted. He has problems alright. It goes much deeper than money though.


My advice is to boycott JAH indefinitely. Personally, the carts I've seen boxed at AA are much better than the package JAH sent me, especially when you factor in all the hassle. I feel bad for Thomas because he got caught in this buffoon's idiocy. JAH is a thief, no better than ENRON, WORLD COM, T-Boone Pickens, et. al. The only thing that would make this situation worse is to find out he funneled the money to Al-Quaida (sp?)


Sorry to rant,


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While neglecting my emails regarding my order for Thrust, out of the blue I get an email from Jah asking that I step down from an auction item I had just won. He was the 2nd highest bidder and I guess forgot about the auction until it was too late.


Sorry Fish, reading the above quote, now I am pissed off too. :x I mean it's not like you were supposed to send me Thrust but an item already in your collection. I sent you the items you wanted in trade for it and ..... pooof - nothing.


Highly disappointing. :sad:

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I got some new informations about Fish last night (which I can't post in public) and now I'm afraid you are right. :sad:


I didn't want to post that now, but after the latest facts from Lee, I think there are no excuses any more. And you know that I don't like to be betrayed. :x :x :x


It looks like your and my money is lost. AFAIK the last regular set arrived somewhere around mid December which is more than two months ago now. I'm going to invest a bit further during the next days, but I don't expect anything positive. :(



AFAIK I only got two mails from you and I answered them both (or directly forwared them to Fish). Sorry if I missed one. :|

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*sighs* This is a sad and unfortunate ending to this saga, but I think it's really the final nail in the coffin.


I wonder if the Al's would support a "customer appreciation month" for the AtariAge store though, where anybody who bought a Thrust+ from Jah Fish and didn't get it could get $10 off their order of one via AA. That way those who still want the game wouldn't have to shell out quite so much twice, and in the meantime they could pursue (dare I say it) legal action against Jah to get their other money back.

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                     AFAIK I only got two mails from you and I answered them both (or directly forwared them to Fish). Sorry if I missed one.


No problem Thomas. I figured you were frustrated as well. I think I emailed you a few times. I just figured you just had enough of me :) I know you must be feeling guilt by association. Rest assured, I hold no grudge towards you. After all you are one of the Atari 2600 Gaming Gods :D




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I still have not received my package (with Thrust+ and other trade stuff, total value $300). I just cannot believe it, I've traded with Fish dozens of times, and met him in person and we had a great time. I still have a hard time believing he would betray me and others, but when I read Lee's story... man... :(




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Wow this is starting to sound like the Cat Box fiasco all over again. Lots of people send in money, a few people get theirs, and the rest get excuses and then nothing. I guess I'm one of the lucky few, I got mine back in November (I think).



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I looked up my PayPal history and found the following:


Name:Nicolas Neugebauer

(The recipient of this payment is International - Verified)


Amount: -$60.00

Date:Jun 30, 2002


Status: Completed


If you go to http://nicoflash.de/ you will find a webpage of the person who signed up the PayPal account and it has a phone number 0179 205 35 55.


Maybe we should start asking this person about our money?


- Sandy

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