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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Does anyone have a list of all the people who didn't receive their Thrust + yet?

Here is my (probably incomplete) list:

11  Marco Kerstens (Marco)

12  Albert & Al

13  Rick Weis

17  Joel Park

23  JerryG

22  Godzilla (2 copies)

24  Leonard Herman (rolenta)

25  Tempest

27  Kaboomer (Brad Vargovick)

29  black dog

33  Chuck Gill

34  Joe Grand

35  Waggie the CPA

37  Randy Jones (lesboulez)

30  Steven Marra (landsmarra)

39  Brian Prescot

41  Marc Oberhäuser

45  Tizoc

46  Efren Ramirez (ATARIPITBULL)

47  Gamereset

48  rolenta

??  Sandy Hüner (san-d-2000)

??  Russ Perry (slapdash)

Total: 24 sets owed to 23 different people.


Any corrections/addtions :?:

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You know, I have always wondered about that name, hmm ?  :ponder:

Since I only knew Jah Fish from his nickname, I once thought that is his real name.


And so I send my money (700 EUR at 09/17/2002) to:

Nicolas Neugebauer

Konto 793695105

BLZ 10010010

Postbank Berlin


Now I feel stupid. :( And betrayed! :x

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Does anyone live near him who can go talk to him in person? He seems like a really nice guy, and I'd hate to start a witch hunt. Then again it is well past the grace period for getting those Thrust carts out...


This all just seems very odd for Jah, he was always an upstanding guy. I can't believe he'd just take the money and run. I wonder what happened? Maybe he got in over his head?



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Does anyone live near him who can go talk to him in person?  He seems like a really nice guy, and I'd hate to start a witch hunt.  Then again it is well past the grace period for getting those Thrust carts out...  


This all just seems very odd for Jah, he was always an upstanding guy.  I can't believe he'd just take the money and run.  I wonder what happened?  Maybe he got in over his head?


That's what I think. He was always full of ideas, one after the other. Perhaps he should have tried to complete one before getting involved in another, and another...


I live about 500 km away from Berlin, but I'd be willing to go there if we could in any way help him out and/or get the Thrust packages. Any of the Germans have any idea on how to handle this together?




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I wonder what happened?  Maybe he got in over his head?

AFAIK (now!) he already was in trouble when he started with Thrust+. And I guess those trouble has just emerged into something really serious (no excuse for the current mess!).


But I can't tell details in public.

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I live about 500 km away from Berlin, but I'd be willing to go there if we could in any way help him out and/or get the Thrust packages.

AFAIK he has no access to the Thrust packages anymore. So even if he wanted to help us, he can't.


Any of the Germans have any idea on how to handle this together?

We could meet in Berlin, but I'm not very optimistic that this would help at all. I guess we are one of his smaller problems.

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You know, I have always wondered about that name, hmm ?  :ponder:

Since I only knew Jah Fish from his nickname, I once thought that is his real name.


And so I send my money (700 EUR at 09/17/2002) to:

Nicolas Neugebauer

Konto 793695105

BLZ 10010010

Postbank Berlin


Now I feel stupid. :( And betrayed! :x


I have pay in the past too to this bank account. And Jah Fish tell me the money is good arrived. I have wonder me too about this name, because his real name is Sebastien Clave.


But maybe its a friend. :?



Here what I have think in the past about this situation:

I have think too about to get the boxes and send them by myself when it not work with Fish. But I can't pay the shipping cost to USA, I think it will a bit to much.


Maybe I can try again, to phone Fish and ask him about this. That I ship them, and Fish pay the shipping to me. But first I must ask him.

But when he has no money (don't know), then it can take too a long time. That I maybe ship one or two at a month. :sad: :?


Or that all pay me a bit for shipping. So tell me all what you think, and then I try to ask Fish about this. But first I must see what Fish is think about this.

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Hi there!


And so I send my money (700 EUR at 09/17/2002) to:


God! You actually had to lent him more money for this venture, than you'd ever have earned with it? I feel really sorry for you. What a sick bastard!

You should immediately consult a lawyer, regardless what his current excuse is.




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God! You actually had to lent him more money for this venture, than you'd ever have earned with it?

Yup. Stupid, stupid, stupid... :sad:


Not only he owes me the 700 EUR, but also $5*~50 (royalties) + a free set of Thrust+. So it's about 1000 EUR in total.


Well, at least I got a footpedal from him... (oh, and a reproduction MagiCart, anybody wants to buy it?)


You should immediately consult a lawyer, regardless what his current excuse is.

I'm afraid that would only cost more money (since I don't have an insurance there) without much hope.

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We could meet in Berlin, but I'm not very optimistic that this would help at all. I guess we are one of his smaller problems.


Man, this is so frustrating! I don't have a clue what's going on and if I understand you correctly there's nothing we can do???






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