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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Hi THomas!


Not only he owes me the 700 EUR, but also $5*~50 (royalties) + a free set of Thrust+. So it's about 1000 EUR in total.


What for did he need the €700 anyway? Wasn't all the stuff already paypaled?


I'm afraid that would only cost more money (since I don't have an insurance there) without much hope.


Well, I think there's no doubt about who'd be *winning* this case I think.

Or do you think there is no money to get from him at all?

What about his collection? It certainly must be worth something...


Another impression I got was like all the Thrust carts are stuck in this museum or something like that? So someone is sort of holding these packages for ransom? That can't be legal either. They all are properties of the people who bought them I think.


You should at least *talk* to a lawyer, I'm sure he can tell you more about your chances. You should do that asap. I think in such a case people get their money in the order of when it was requested, so the sooner you do, the better are your chances. But again, ask someone who can give you legal advice. I'm not sure how long you can legally enforce your rights (Verjährung ist nicht zwangsläufig = 1 Jahr!!!)




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What for did he need the €700 anyway? Wasn't all the stuff already paypaled?

He told me that some people hadn't payed then and he had invested all his money into making the sets. I've learned my lesson now.


Well, I think there's no doubt about who'd be *winning* this case I think. Or do you think there is no money to get from him at all?

No comment.


What about his collection? It certainly must be worth something...

Hm, yes. Maybe Marco can estimate how much.


They all are properties of the people who bought them I think.

Yup, legally you are right. But AFAIK everybody would have to ask for separately.


You should at least *talk* to a lawyer, I'm sure he can tell you more about your chances. You should do that asap.

I had so much trouble with lawyers in my younger years (family afairs!) that I would be very thankful if somebody else could do that for me.


I really hate lawyers and I don't trust them too. And this is my hobby, going to a lawyer would ruin it completely. :sad:


I think in such a case people get their money in the order of when it was requested, so the sooner you do, the better are your chances.

Yup, though I won't be one of the first in the row.


Anyway, thanks for the advice.

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I have pay in the past too to this bank account. And Jah Fish tell me the money is good arrived. I have wonder me too about this name, because his real name is Sebastien Clave.

But maybe its a friend.  :?  


He had some problems with the tax office (if I remember right) and he had no bank account, so his friend does the bank transfers for him.

Sorry, but I think this information didn´t help. :sad:



Soviel ich weiß spielt das Alter der Forderungen bei einem Verfahren keine Rolle.



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Thomas Jentzsch wrote:  

A German saying: "Einem nackten Mann kann man nicht in die Tasche greifen."  


Translate yourself...  



A naked man cannot one into the bag reach


Umm I think it's closer to "One cannot reach into the pocket of a naked man" or something like that.



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Thomas Jentzsch wrote:  

A German saying: "Einem nackten Mann kann man nicht in die Tasche greifen."  


Translate yourself...  



A naked man cannot one into the bag reach


Umm I think it's closer to "One cannot reach into the pocket of a naked man" or something like that.




Ding ding ding ! :D

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A German saying: "Einem nackten Mann kann man nicht in die Tasche greifen."  


Translate yourself...


I don't get it "One cannot grasp a naked man into the pocket." Is this pretty close? Does this mean he's broke?


Just my two cents, but I'm sorry Thomas. It really sucks how you got dragged into this. :sad:

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From the trade I (surprisingly) completed with Jah Fish, here's his address:


> sebastien clave

> c/o subotage entertainment

> sonnenburgerstr. 56

> 10437 berlin

> germany



> greetings


> fish


So he has moved? From which date is this address? I have maybe an old one this:

Sebastien Clave

Kadettenweg 2

12205 Berlin


But the last time I was there was last year. :?

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A German saying: "Einem nackten Mann kann man nicht in die Tasche greifen."  


Translate yourself...


I don't get it "One cannot grasp a naked man into the pocket." Is this pretty close? Does this mean he's broke?


Just my two cents, but I'm sorry Thomas. It really sucks how you got dragged into this. :sad:


Tempest nailed it. :)


@Matty: That is his old address.

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I guess I can stop checking the mail every night. It really bugs me that this guy has the balls to screw over all of us. Whether it's $60.00 or a nickel it's the same to me, this guy lacks character and integrity.


Between this and Paul Oswood (The Core), I will probably never order homebrews from people I don't know. I'll stick with AtariAge. Fortunately the honest people outnumber the frauds, but the problem there's no way to know the good from the bad in advance.

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Between this and Paul Oswood (The Core), I will probably never order homebrews from people I don't know. I'll stick with AtariAge.


The sad part is that people trusted Jah Fish +BECAUSE+ he was an AtariAge member. He completely abused the trust of this community. :(

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From the trade I (surprisingly) completed with Jah Fish, here's his address:


> sebastien clave

> c/o subotage entertainment

> sonnenburgerstr. 56

> 10437 berlin

> germany



> greetings


> fish


So he has moved? From which date is this address? I have maybe an old one this:

Sebastien Clave

Kadettenweg 2

12205 Berlin


But the last time I was there was last year. :?


He and his girlfriend parted.

The address with "Kadettenweg" was, when they were together, so the other should be newer.


And Nikolaus Neugebauer is a friend of him doing all bank transfers, fish won´t get a bank account in germany.



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The sad part is that people trusted Jah Fish +BECAUSE+ he was an AtariAge member.  He completely abused the trust of this community. :(

Yes, and so he didn't only destroy his own credibility but also harms the trust between all of us. :sad:


:_( :_( :_(

Why Jah Fish, WHY? :?


I have visit him, and trade with him in the past. All was great. He was friendly, nice and the best person I know. And then all gone? Can't understand it. :sad:


This museum in Berlin must ruin him. And the problems he has too. I think when he get enough time, he maybe came back. But thats all so sad. I hope all get there Thrust + packages, and that all will be ok in the future. :sad:

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Jah Fish did sold to me from his auction last May that where I won the Atari Force comic books (complete sets from 1 to 20 + special editon). He did mailed to me fast shipping to me. So far, nothing hear from him since one year! :sad: He is a great guy, I dont know what worng with him? :sad: That is very puzzled! :? I hope he is doing fine and well.



Jason :)

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