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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Can you give him another call and ask him how we can help him out. As I said, I'd be willing to drive over to Berlin and do whatever I can.





I have no idea, if this will help. Thomas has write, that he has no access anymore to the boxes. :?

Don't know whats wrong, but I think the owners from his museum room has close it and lock the boxes maybe. That is what I think.


But he has get back his collection, has he tell me last time. But maybe not the Thrust + boxes. I hope he can do anything. But I don't know, how we can help.


He has tell me last time, that he will write here something, and he has tell the same to Sonnenhexer. But nothing since the last call. :sad:

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Jah Fish did sold to me from his auction last May that where I won the Atari Force comic books (complete sets from 1 to 20 + special editon).  He did mailed to me fast shipping to me.   So far, nothing hear from him since one year!

Did you already pay him for those?


I guess it's time to sum up all the money he owes us.

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Can you give him another call and ask him how we can help him out. As I said, I'd be willing to drive over to Berlin and do whatever I can.


I have no idea, if this will help. Thomas has write, that he has no access anymore to the boxes. :?

Don't know whats wrong, but I think the owners from his museum room has close it and lock the boxes maybe. That is what I think.


We're assuming and thinking too much here, without first-hand information. It would be great if you could give him another phonecall and ask him again about his current situation. We want to know specifically:


- if he has access to the Thrust+ packages

- if he has access to his collection

- if he has access to other trade stuff he owes

- what we can do to help him out, at least with the Thrust+ issue


Please give him a call Matty, we would all appreciate that a lot!




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Did you already pay him for those?


I guess it's time to sum up all the money he owes us.


Yes, I did already paid thru Paypal to Jah Fish, and he did already been mailed to me, yes I did received it from him, no plm. However, so far I havnt hear from him for a long time since one year!! :sad: Only one last message from private message here on Sept. 20th, 2002...


He said to me:


nice to hear from you :)


if you want to extend your atariforce collection, i have 3 dutch double-editions of the comic series ....




anything to trade?






That is last message to me and nothing hear from him for long time until now.




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Leonard - you mentioned Paul Oswood/The Core - did you get burned on that? I thought I had been screwed in that fiasco, but 2 or 3 years ago, out of the blue, I got an email from Paul to confirm my mailing address, so he could send me a refund. A little while later (I honestly don't recall if it took days/weeks or months), sure enough, I received a refund in the mail covering the full amount I had sent in for The Core. I figured Paul 'made good' with everybody.



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one other question you can ask is how much $$$ does he owe on that museum room?


@Marco, do you think it's a good idea for you to meet fish? you two have had problems in the past.. not sure how things have changed between you two but you know what i mean? :ponder:


Take Care,



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Leonard - you mentioned Paul Oswood/The Core - did you get burned on that? I thought I had been screwed in that fiasco, but 2 or 3 years ago, out of the blue, I got an email from Paul to confirm my mailing address, so he could send me a refund. A little while later (I honestly don't recall if it took days/weeks or months), sure enough, I received a refund in the mail covering the full amount I had sent in for The Core. I figured Paul 'made good' with everybody.


I did receive my money back from Paul but it did take a good two or so years. As far as I know, he did make good with everyone. Still, for a while there we were all sure that he was a fraud and took off with our money, and it was soemthing I never forget every time someone offers a new game through the mail.

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13:05 not reachable


15:20 first it tell me, that this number is not avaible in the moment, then second try again not reachable.


Don't know, maybe he don't own this Handy anymore, or he never has it ON. :?


I try it maybe later again. But I have no hope, that I can speak with him, that this number is maybe not in use anymore by him. :sad:

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 NoahsMyBro wrote:

                                    Leonard - you mentioned Paul Oswood/The Core - did you get burned on that? I thought I had been screwed in that fiasco, but 2 or 3 years ago, out of the blue, I got an email from Paul to confirm my mailing address, so he could send me a refund. A little while later (I honestly don't recall if it took days/weeks or months), sure enough, I received a refund in the mail covering the full amount I had sent in for The Core. I figured Paul

                                    'made good' with everybody.




                     I did receive my money back from Paul but it did take a good two or so years. As far as I know, he did make good with everyone. Still, for a while there we were all sure that he was a fraud and took off with our money, and it was soemthing I never forget every time someone offers a new game through the mail.


It took Paul 3 years to pay me back. This was inexcusable as well. I am thnakful for that, but the guys is not to be trusted ever again.


As a genral rule: Taking pre-orders is fine, but put the money in an escrow acct until the product ships. That way, if there are ever any problems, you still have the cash to refund. If you are so straped for cash in the first place, folks shouldn't be doing these kinds of things to begin with. Well... maybe that is why they do it...




On a side note, it seems to me that everytime one of these fiasco's pops up, Leonard (one of our most prominent members here) is in the thick of it. How can folks screw or beloved Leonard? Maybe he should publish a sequel to Phoenix, " Phoenix: The Rise and Fall of Homebrews."


I think you'd do well, especially if you took pre-orders :)



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When I did the initial Starpath CD I held onto the checks until I did the manufacturing run.


I don't think it's ethical to take people's money and not deliver in a timely manner. What you want to do in a preorder situation is to gather up the money, and as long as it's checks, not money orders or cash, then you can always either send their check back or tell them to void the check in a worst case scenario.

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Does anyone have a list of all the people who didn't receive their Thrust + yet?

Here is my (probably incomplete) list:


?? Russ Perry (slapdash)


Any corrections/addtions :?:


I'm not sure I ever got a confirmation of what number I was getting, but I asked for 26 or 42. And I haven't gotten mine yet, nor some other items he had for me.

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I'm not sure I ever got a confirmation of what number I was getting, but I asked for 26 or 42.  And I haven't gotten mine yet, nor some other items he had for me.


I'm still befuddled/confused that I actually got my half of the trade I made with him, as promised, everything in good condition (although it took forever to arrive). He even threw some fliers for the museum exhibit in the box "2600 items for the 2600" that I thought were pretty cool. When this happened, I had hope for the community that Jah was still a reputable guy. Slow to ship maybe, lax to respond to e-mails sure, but still reputable overall. All those hopes have now been washed down the drain as every message seems to rust his credibility faster than winter road salt does an '86 Oldsmobile.


Can it really get any worse? Do we need more evidence? There's absolutely no hope whatsoever for Jah at this point. Guilty as charged. :(


I had another idea for something AA could do on behalf of Fish's shafted customers - a low budget "Thrust+ lite" run. No manuals, no labels. I would even provide the donor carts for it for free. Maybe these could be sold for $10-$20? I know that's probably the "break even" cost but these people deserve to own a copy of the game after all the Jah Fish BS that they've been through.

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Wow! I had no idea about this thread. I need to chime in here and also express my frustration.


I've traded with Jah many, many times over the year(s) and have never had a problem. I wasn't too concerned that he has been unavailable for a while (and owes me a lot of trade items) and figured he was just stressed out about the exhibit or something. Anyway, it looks like this is a much deeper problem than that.


Jah owes me for a Thrust Plus w/ Footpedal, too. He also owes me the following items:


Tron cart?

Wachroboter jagt Jupy, with red label

Ungeheuer der Tiefe (Bi!Bi! - Rainbow Vision), with blue label

TOP GUN, with grey label

GEHEIMKURIER, with yellow label

Landung in der Normandie (Commando Raid), with red label

Landungskommando (Strategy X), with grey label

Stopp die Gangster, with grey label

ITT: meteor defense

HES riddle of the sphinx (imagic) pink label

Sancho Skin Diver

Goliath: Forest

Goliath: Galactic

Goliath: Astro attack

Goliath: Capture


for the following items I sent him before the exhibit (and from what I know, he received):


Atari envelope

Chuck E. Cheese coin purse

INTV pin

Wombat (NWCGE 1997 label hack)

Atari Cosmos prototype Superman hologram

Pac Man Plush Doll (Namco, 1991)

Pac Man wind-up doll (Tomy, 1982, sealed in box)

Pac Man baseball hat (yellow w/ white mesh)

Pac Man comb


The last time I heard from him was October 10, 2002 and his address at the time was:


subotage entertainment

sebastien clave

sonnenburgerstr. 56

10437 berlin



I sent him another message a few days ago to ask if he was alive, but didn't hear back..


I hope this gets resolved soon. I have a hard time thinking that Jah is intentionally screwing all of us, considering how active he has been with the community in the past. However, if there are personal problems, then things might take longer to work out.


Jah, please come back! I want my stuff! :sad:



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Joe wrote:

Wombat (NWCGE 1997 label hack)



I am curious how you came about this item? I think there were about 14 of these made. "Air-Sea-Cattle" was the follow-up for the NWCGE meet in 1998.


Hmmm... me thinks something is needed for this years event.



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