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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Umm. I got it from. Uhh I can't remember his name, but he was part of NWCGE with you and then moved to Maine and Hawaii. He made the "Aartridge", too.. Kevin....?


Anyway, it was a neat looking label, but I had to trim down my collection to make room for all of those import carts that Jah was supposed to send me! ;)



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Umm. I got it from. Uhh I can't remember his name, but he was part of NWCGE with you and then moved to Maine and Hawaii. He made the "Aartridge", too.. Kevin....?


Ah! I own an Aartridge now!


Paul Tomlinson is the guy you're thinking of.


BTW, I'd love to get my hands on A#1 Fancy Lable [sic] Club carts, or Zimot carts. Anybody?

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Jah owes me for a Thrust Plus w/ Footpedal, too. He also owes me the following items:


Thanks for reminding me -- Jah also owes me other things besides Thrust+ as well, in case you're keeping track fo that too. I don't remember everything he owes offhand, but a Gamate & games is part of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
so no word at all from jah... TJ do you plan on doing anything, or is this officially a write-off now?

I'm still waiting for some response from an attorney (should be just a matter of a few days).


I will tell you the results here and then we can decide how to continue.

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Feedback from the attorney (thanks Marc :)):


Fish owes us the money, there is no doubt here! :)


Someone can ask for a court order representing all creditors. All creditors must convey their claims to this person, verfiy that the claim exists and sign a form for costs splitting, so that the complainant doesn't have to pay the costs alone when Fish can't pay (which IMO might happen).


The costs would be e.g. about 340€ (1€ currently ~$1.10) for a total sum of 2,500€ or 650€ for 5,000€ (looks like we get a small discount here :)). If the court order is appealed this can rise up to 1000€.


So now it's up to us to decide which way to go.


I already have somebody voluntering to be the complainant (many thanks!). All we need now are the names of those who want to go that way. We need them to tell (here or by mail to me) the amount of money he owes them and a verification. And they should be willing to sign that form for the cost splitting (probably based on the amount of money claimed).


I will start with €700 lend to him plus $5 for every sold (payed?) copy (does anybody know if he selled any at eBay?).


If somebody knows a better way, I would like to hear that now.


BTW: Should we open a new thread (or temporary forum) for this?

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boy, im glad I ordered two. :-( I wonder if paypal will give me money back...


(Sunday May 26th, 2002:

This email confirms that you sent $118.00 to paypal@nicoflash.de.



Payment Details



Amount: 118.00)


Thats my info i can get more detailed if you need, paypal still has it in my history.

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You gotta love the court system -- I gotta pay just to get my money back. Nice. But I guess it might be worth it. I'm not saying I'm aboard yet, as I'd still like to give this guy a try to send my stuff, since there were other things...


But, what kind of documentation do they need? All I'd be able to provide would be emails I've saved into a file, and maybe some PayPal info. I mean, is that good enough?

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You should at least try to get your money back via PayPal first. Else the courts might not accept those claims. (I'm not sure about that)


It also might save you some money if we should fail and pressure from more than one side should be helpful too.


BTW: How many of you did (like me) send the money to some of Fish's friends? There might be a chance those poor guys have to pay instead (if we want to go that way).

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on the thrust+ site(?) there was a section that had a list of names and the # for the person! did anyone get a print out of it when it had some names on it? fish sent me the URL after i paid and i looked at it (saw my name and few others and i deleted the e-mail) i never thought to print it out! did anyone??


Take Care,



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on the thrust+ site(?) there was a section that had a list of names and the # for the person! did anyone get a print out of it when it had some names on it?  fish sent me the URL after i paid and i looked at it (saw my name and few others and i deleted the e-mail) i never thought to print it out!   did anyone??


Take Care,




The list is gone...



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------------------------------------------- REGISTERED PILOTS: ------------------------------------------- 

Res. pilot no. name  status   

A1 cart no. 50  (ren.dhark)  payed   

A2 cart no. 25  (Tempest)  payed   

A3 cart no. 11  (Marco)  payed   

A4 cart no. 12  (Albert & Al)  payed   

A5 cart no. 13  (rick)  payed   

A6 cart no. 14  (JimC)  payed   

A7 cart no. 15  (Pitfall Harry)  payed   

A8 cart no. 31  (Ubersaurus)  reserved   

A9 cart no. 16  (DanCage)  reserved   

B1 cart no. 17  (JoelP)  payed   

B2 cart no. 18  (ianoid)  payed   

B3 cart no. 30  (JoanReilly)  payed   

B4 cart no. 19  (Burgel)  reserved   

B5 cart no. 21  (AtariKari)  payed   

B6 cart no. 22  (godzilla)  payed   

B7 cart no. 20  (Eric)  payed   

B8 cart no. 23  (JerryG)  payed   

B9 cart no. 35  (Waggie the CPA)  reserved   

C1 cart no. 24  (Marty)  reserved   

C2 cart no. 40  (MattyXB)  payed   

C3 cart no. 26  (Philflound)  payed   

C4 cart no. 27  (BradVargovick)  payed   

C5 cart no. 28  (davidH)  reserved   

C6 cart no. 45  (Tizok)  reserved   

C7 cart no. 29*  (black dog)  reserved   

C8 cart no. 32  (BloatedMonkey)  payed   

C9 cart no. 49  (THEJPC)  payed   

D1 cart no. 33  (ChuckGill)  payed   

D2 cart no. 34  (JoeGrand)  payed   

D3 cart no. 36  (moycon)  reserved   

D4 cart no. 44  (Lee Krueger)  payed   

D5 cart no. 37  (RandyJones)  payed   

D6 cart no. 46  (AtariPitbull)  paxed   

D7 cart no. 38*  (KevinStaszkow)  payed   

D8 cart no. 39  (BrianPrescot)  reserved   

D9 cart no. 41  (Mao)  payed   

E1 cart no. 42  (el4a4)  reserved   

E2 cart no. 43  (Andrew)  reserved   

E3 cart no. 47  (Gamereset)  reserved   

E4 cart no. 48  (Rolenta)  payed   

E5 cart r01  (CarlHoward)  payed   

E6 cart r02  (JL)  payed   

E7 cart r03  (MikeKnowles)  reserved   

E8 cart r04  (Sandy)  reserved  (contest?)  

E9 cart r05  (RussPerry)  payed  fight!  

F1 cart r06  (James)  reserved   

F2 cart r07  (Stephen Colbert)  reserved   

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