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¡Pd. 4 Thrust 5-02;1 Lawsuit + 18 Months == FINALLY results!


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Here is my list. I hope you can help filling the gaps and maybe correct some errors.

June 21.2002 

                                       pay         deliver

Res. pilot no.    name                  status      status

A1   cart no. 50  (ren.dhark)           payed       received

A2   cart no. 25  (Tempest)             payed       received

A3   cart no. 11  (Marco)               payed       *received* !!!+

A4   cart no. 12  (Albert & Al)         reserved    waiting

A5   cart no. 13  (rick) (Weis)         payed       *received* !!!+

A6   cart no. 14  (JimC)                payed       received

A7   cart no. 15  (Pitfall Harry)       payed       received

A8   cart no. 31  (Ubersaurus)          payed       received

A9   cart no. 16  (DanCage) (bfstats?)  payed       received

B1   cart no. 17  (JoelP)               payed       *received*

B2   cart no. 18  (ianoid)              payed       received

B3   cart no. 30  (landsmarra)        payed       *received* !!!+

B4   cart no. 19  (Burgel)              payed       received

B5   cart no. 21  (AtariKari)           payed       received (wrong number)

B6   cart no. 22  (godzilla)            payed       *received* (2 copies) !!!+

B7   cart no. 20  (Eric Boghos)         payed       received

B8   cart no. 23  (JerryG)              payed       *received* !!!+

B9   cart no. 35  (Waggie the CPA)      payed       *received* !!!+

C1   cart no. 24  (Marty)               payed       waiting (MarioAllStar2600, no shipping payed)

C2   cart no. 40  (MattyXB)             payed       received

C3   cart no. 26  (Philflound)          payed       received

C4   cart no. 27  (BradVargovick)       payed       *received* !!!+

C5   cart no. 28  (David Harshbarger)   payed       *received*

C6   cart no. 45  (Tizok)               payed       *received*

C7   cart no. 29* (black dog)           payed       *received*

C8   cart no.  6  (BloatedMonkey)       payed       received

C9   cart no. 49  (THEJPC)              payed       waiting !!!+

D1   cart no. 33  (ChuckGill)           payed       *received* !!!+

D2   cart no. 34  (JoeGrand)            payed       *received* !!!+

D3   cart no. 36  (moycon)              reserved    *received*

D4   cart no. 44  (Lee Krueger)         payed       received

D5   cart no. 37  (RandyJones)          payed       *received* (aka lesboulez) !!!+

D6   cart no. 46  (AtariPitbull)        payed       *received*

D7   cart no. 38* (KevinStaszkow)       payed       received

D8   cart no. 39  (BrianPrescot)        payed       *received* !!!+

D9   cart no. 41  (Mao)                 payed       *received* !!!+

E1   cart no. 42  (el4a4)               reserved    ?

E2   cart no. 43  (Andrew)              reserved    canceled

E3   cart no. 47  (Gamereset)           payed       waiting !!!

E4   cart no. 48  (Rolenta)             payed       *received* !!!+

E5   cart r01     (Carl Howard)         payed       *received* (payed by godzilla)

E6   cart r02     (JL)                  payed       *received* !!!

E7   cart r03     (MikeKnowles)         reserved    ?

E8   cart r04     (Sandy Hüner)         payed       *received* (aka san-d-2000) !!!+

E9   cart r05     (RussPerry)           payed       *received* !!!+

F1   cart r06     (James)               reserved    ?

F2   cart r07     (Stephen Colbert)     reserved    ?

also payed and received:

- cart no. 04 Steve Jacobs (aka NoahsMyBro)

Can anybody explain the * :?:


!!! = wants to go to court (total: 18 + 1 (me) = 19)

*received* = reveiced since 9/2003

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Thanks so much for this update!


BTW, you have me, landsmarra, listed in the "also waiting" section, but in reality the cart I ordered is cart #30, listed as JoanReilly with a status of paid. Just didn't want you to think I was double-dipping.


Also, my shipping address has changed since the order was placed. With whom shall I update it if the cart ever goes out??




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BTW, you have me, landsmarra, listed in the "also waiting" section, but in reality the cart I ordered is cart #30, listed as JoanReilly with a status of paid.

Those different names are really confuising. I'm sure there are other people in the list with the same error.


Also, my shipping address has changed since the order was placed.  With whom shall I update it if the cart ever goes out??

Since I neither have your old nor your new address nor any Thrust+ sets (yet) that's really not important now. ;)


BTW: I have got only very few (positive or negative) replies about going to the court. How about you guys, there are more than 20 of you on the list :?: :?: :?:


You where very patiened over the months (thanks!), but IMO now it's time for some ACTION :!: :!: :!:

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BTW: I have got only very few (positive or negative) replies about going to the court. How about you guys, there are more than 20 of you on the list


There is no way I could afford to spend money on a lawyer. I have been out of work for nearly 2 years.

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imo $60 isn´t worth getting a lawyer, I rather give Fish a suprise visit whenever I happen to be in Berlin :twisted:  


:twisted: You can take my loss with you and add that onto the payment when you're there. :x


Although my loss isn't as great as some other peoples, I am just as mad as anyone else. :|

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imo $60 isn´t worth getting a lawyer...

Sure you are right, that's why we are trying to collect all claims and let one single person go to the court instead.


So after you signed the form and gave us some evidences for your claim, you don't have to do anything. Just sit and wait. If you are lucky you get your money back (maybe even the Thrust set you payed for), and worst case you may have to pay ~15% of your claim (~$9).


Or you can just support us by transfering your claim and evidences to us. Then you don't risk any extra money.


You can still visit Fish if you like to. And probably we can help you finding him. ;)

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You can count me in.

Fine! :)


So did anyone try to claim the money back through Paypal,

I don't know. Does Paypal offer this service?


...and what would you be needing, is a printout of my PayPal transfer enough?

If you don't want to claim for yourself and just "donate" the claim to us, that's enough. Else you have to sign the form about (possible) cost sharing if we should fail.


See my post on the previous page for details.

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So did anyone try to claim the money back through Paypal, and what would you be needing, is a printout of my PayPal transfer enough?  




I did try this very thing. I think that my copy of my complaint to PayPal along with my emails to this theif prompted him to send my item. Evne though PayPal wouldn't act, I htink they notified him of my complaint. From what I understand, PayPal's policy is that you have to make a claim within 30 days of sending the money. Now, I think if everyone complained to PayPal, they might be able to do something. At the very least, they could prevent him from ever signing up again and possibly revoke his acocunt. I think it would be worth "spaming" PayPal with complaints about this turd. I think if someone like Thomas (or whoever wants to lead the charge) collects and compiles the complaints, maybe PayPal will act on behalf of everyone. From PayPal's perspective, they have alot to lose in regards to peoples trust and other's abilities to abuse the system. If PayPal ignores you folks, you may, in fact, be able to litigate against PayPal as well as the turd.


I'm no lawyer, but I looked into a similar case in regards to "The Core" and Paul Oswood. I went so far as to writing a letter to the WA State District Attourney's office and started filling out the paperwork to file a formal complaint. After evaulating court costs and such... and not being able to lcate him, I decided to forget about it. You folks have much more inertia (there is strength in numbers). I hope you are successful. Even though I did get my copy, it was a pain in the ass and if there is anything I can do to help.


Just my two cents....


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I paid by money order last May. I was instructed by Jahfish to send the m.o. to Randy at Hozer Video. What happened to it after that I don't know,but I haven't received my #29.


Ahhh.. Could the fallout of Hozer be in many ways to blame for this mess as well?

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