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School Girl is at it again.


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I only lack 4 of the Tron T-handles - love those little things! :)


BTW, they declined all offers. I submitted a little higher, but if that's not good enough, they can keep it.


I thought I threw out a decent offer, oh well.

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Pricing rare stuff is not that easy! There are only a handful of "hardcore" collectors out there who are willing to pay that kind of money ($3000-$5000) for a single cart or other rare items in this category. Personally I think it´s crazy to buy a single cart for so much money but hey, to each their own!


Collecting is also an individual expression and that means that every collector has his own imagination about his personally collection. I want to say that the focuses are so different and for a "few" Air Raid is worth $$$$$ and for others only $$$.


I know that I would pay $$$ for e.g a sealed "Fathom"! And I would be more happy with it than with a loose "Air Raid".


We have all different behaviour patterns regarding what we collect and how much money we would spend for something............but I am sure that this title will go down in future like the most Atari 2600 related games and stuff as well!


There is too much stuff out there for the serious collectors, we are getting older, young collectors will mostly collect stuff "they" grew up with and so long...........





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I don't think that people are saying that this piece of baby blue plastic just isn't worth the money, because of some sort of jealousy over not having it; which is what I found between the lines of homer's last post. I think it's very akin to automobile ownership. If a '92 Ford Escort can get you to work in the same amount of time that a BMW 7-series can, then some don't see the point in spending that kind of cash. It's a matter of function over fashion (or keeping up with the Jones')


This board is full of two types of collectors. There are the types that hoard multiple copies of the same games, own complete libraries of titles, own hundreds of boxed systems, and loudly display them in cases and post the pictures....and then there are those of us that buy only what we can afford to play.


Some of us, like me, will never understand the need to spend such gross amounts of money, for what seems like some alpha-male notion having the best collection. Because, really, you can't tell me that whoever owns this game isn't going to display it proudly or at least mention it in casual conversation.


To each his or her own. There are two schools of thought, neither of which is 100% right.


Enough said.

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I only lack 4 of the Tron T-handles - love those little things! :)


Let's see em !


It is hard to get info on these because all searches bring up well you know Tron.


Correction - I need seven. Rom had three on there I wasn't aware of.




Oh, and she can officially keep the cartridge. I went up to $2000 and she declined that as well. Even emailed me saying she'd already declined an offer of $3000 from somebody else.


Oh well.

Edited by crunchysuperman
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I only lack 4 of the Tron T-handles - love those little things! :)


Let's see em !


It is hard to get info on these because all searches bring up well you know Tron.


Correction - I need seven. Rom had three on there I wasn't aware of.




Oh, and she can officially keep the cartridge. I went up to $2000 and she declined that as well. Even emailed me saying she'd already declined an offer of $3000 from somebody else.


Oh well.



Yeah right. :roll:

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I only lack 4 of the Tron T-handles - love those little things! :)


Let's see em !


It is hard to get info on these because all searches bring up well you know Tron.


Correction - I need seven. Rom had three on there I wasn't aware of.




Oh, and she can officially keep the cartridge. I went up to $2000 and she declined that as well. Even emailed me saying she'd already declined an offer of $3000 from somebody else.


Oh well.


I bet your was the highest "genuine" offer. Once you get a copy, I doubt it will crack $2k again. The last 2 copies on ebay that went full term sold for $2k and $1.5k respectively, and Crunchy was outbid on the $2k copy by Wonder007

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Now I know where I have seen this Air Raid. I believe this is the one that was bought from kidsconnection, the guy from nj that wanted to sue him because it rolled his tv set.




I believe the buyer was this schoolgirl person because the buyer was originally from nj and wanted to go to nj court for this.

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