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jwierer's Blog - Ms. Pac-man - Flip It!


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I was wondering what the game play of Ms. Pac-man would be if the mazes were flipped. So I started recreating the mazes, but that seemed ridiculous tedious so I added a new feature to my Pac-man editor that would allow you to flip items vertically and horizontally. With that I was able to flip each of the mazes, all the graphics and the title screen.


Came across a couple issues when creating this.

  1. Ghost Pen: The Ghost pen isn't really located in the center of the maze and it can't be moved so when you flip a maze you don't exactly get the same maze upside down
  2. Fruit Locations: The fruits still enter the maze at the original tunnel locations. This adds the effect of the fruits materializing through the walls. I am sure there is a table with fruit generation locations, but I haven't found it.
  3. Dots: Flipping the maze generally works, but in the editor the dots get all messed up so the best way is to clear the dots and add them back after the maze is modified
  4. Title: The title has shared blocks of pixels so it's not possible to exactly flip the title. If you look closely a few pixels are off.

Anyway here is a screen shot of the title and of the 2nd screen (notice the fruit location).





























And here is the rom if you want to try it. Game play is very different from the original


upsidedownMsPac.bin ( 16K )

Number of downloads: 0




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