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atari2600land's Blog - Lynx return


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It's been so long since I've played my Lynx, I forgot I had one! ;) But seeing one at the game store reminded me about my own, and so I decided to start collecting for it again. I played it a little today: Pinball Jam, Ms. Pac-Man, Qix, and Shanghai were among the ones I picked to play. I'll do this again tonight, getting in a round of Lynx Casino. The Lynx is an amazing handheld still to this day, and - after almost 20 years - still fun to play. It's just too bad that there weren't a lot more games made for it, like from third party publishers the way the 2600 had. You know what surprises me? There's no Zoop. Would have been an easy enough game to program for it. There's one for the Jaguar, so why didn't Viacom think of that?





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