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atari2600land's Blog - More Lynx Fun


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I've compiled a list of Lynx games I'm missing. This doesn't include the ultra-rare Telegames ones, nor the homebrew ones. I figure once I get these, I'll be happy with my collection.


+Battle Wheels

+Battle Zone 2000

+Gauntlet: the Third Encounter



+Super Asteroids/Missile Command


+Zarlor Mercenary


I went ahead and ordered Lemmings, so once it comes I won't have to worry about that any more. It's been a thunderstormy day so I've been afraid to plug my Lynx in and play it, but I think it's safe now, unless it starts up again. There have been flashes of light near the windows followed by claps of thunder. And rain. Lots of it. It's been like this all day long. It's just another rainy July day.



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