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It might be useful to consider Rob Fulop's Actionauts as a potential model:




Yes, I think that's a good idea, but despite the nice presentation (manual/box/etc) I think the final price tag for Actionauts is a little bit high. Even with box, I think a better market value for your time (allowing more of the classic gaming community to afford it) would be somewhere around $35. Albert would probably be willing to sell it in the AA store for maximum exposure.

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It might be useful to consider Rob Fulop's Actionauts as a potential model:




Yes, I think that's a good idea, but despite the nice presentation (manual/box/etc) I think the final price tag for Actionauts is a little bit high. Even with box, I think a better market value for your time (allowing more of the classic gaming community to afford it) would be somewhere around $35. Albert would probably be willing to sell it in the AA store for maximum exposure.


It's already been repro'd all to hell (100 copies). The original parts and labels would really be the only market Gamma Attack has left as a real money maker at this point IMHO.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Shawn Sr., photos are posted.



Holy shit this photo is dead sexy. :lust:




Wanna sell me those holo labels....lol... :ponder:

I would, but they r the ones left over from the 1983 run.

Am thinking of a 2009 re-release with the planned 1983 labels

& maybe box art that never went into production.

Need PCBs and carts.


Is PixelPast still selling PCBs?

Can't get an AtariAge page link from the PixelPast site to

purchase any.



You would be much better off to use these original labels if you make more carts trust me on that one. Everyone would want the 1983 labels, not new ones from 2009. Use the same shells, same brand of eproms and hell even use pacman boards like you did for the other cart(s) back in the day. Keeps it more authentic and inline with the original product IMO.


yep, make them indistinguishable from your 1983 run :D

Thanks, maybe both, I don't know the community, what price would be right? Is there enough of a demand for this

to make it worth my time? I'm 62 now.


I went through this same decision making process last year with Actionauts. Basically I found that there are probably 300 or so people in the world who will pay up to $100 for a collector version of something like this. These are the real enthusiasts who also happen to be in financial situations where dropping $50-$100 to add a unique piece to their collection is a no brainer. And that's exactly what you want to price your game at ... the "no brainer" price for the serious collector. I believe the price point is quite inelastic .. in other words ... A guy who pays $79 for this sort of thing will also pay $99, but may not pay $100 for the same reason a GI JOE is priced at $4.99 because most parent will not flinch at spending a five dollar bill to get their little one to stop whining when they are at Target. This magic price point for 2600 collector carts is the hundred dollar bill ... charge less and you'll sell a few hundred copies. I picked $79 for Actionauts because I wanted it to be a 'no brainer' purchase for a serious collector ... and I'm pretty sure Iwould have sold the same number of copies (250 give or take) had I priced it at $99.


You'll get a host of complainers who will weep that this price point is "too high" ... but whatever. Simple economics tells the true story ... a few hundred or so guys will pay the $99 .. so my advice is give these guys a bit of a "break" and you'll sell a few hundred copies, especially if you take the time to make the whole package something that feels like a real "collectible".

PM me with more questions if you want. Good Luck.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Shawn Sr., photos are posted.



Holy shit this photo is dead sexy. :lust:




Wanna sell me those holo labels....lol... :ponder:

I would, but they r the ones left over from the 1983 run.

Am thinking of a 2009 re-release with the planned 1983 labels

& maybe box art that never went into production.

Need PCBs and carts.


Is PixelPast still selling PCBs?

Can't get an AtariAge page link from the PixelPast site to

purchase any.



You would be much better off to use these original labels if you make more carts trust me on that one. Everyone would want the 1983 labels, not new ones from 2009. Use the same shells, same brand of eproms and hell even use pacman boards like you did for the other cart(s) back in the day. Keeps it more authentic and inline with the original product IMO.


yep, make them indistinguishable from your 1983 run :D


The closer they are to a second printing of the first printing the more they will sell for. Do a start from scratch 2009 print run and you will have problems selling them for the $99 or $79 as Rob as suggested. Use as many old parts as you can and offer a limited run and you might get even more than that. The market and economy has changed a bit in the time since Rob's game was first offered.

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Shawn Sr., photos are posted.



Holy shit this photo is dead sexy. :lust:




Wanna sell me those holo labels....lol... :ponder:

I would, but they r the ones left over from the 1983 run.

Am thinking of a 2009 re-release with the planned 1983 labels

& maybe box art that never went into production.

Need PCBs and carts.


Is PixelPast still selling PCBs?

Can't get an AtariAge page link from the PixelPast site to

purchase any.



You would be much better off to use these original labels if you make more carts trust me on that one. Everyone would want the 1983 labels, not new ones from 2009. Use the same shells, same brand of eproms and hell even use pacman boards like you did for the other cart(s) back in the day. Keeps it more authentic and inline with the original product IMO.


yep, make them indistinguishable from your 1983 run :D


The closer they are to a second printing of the first printing the more they will sell for. Do a start from scratch 2009 print run and you will have problems selling them for the $99 or $79 as Rob as suggested. Use as many old parts as you can and offer a limited run and you might get even more than that. The market and economy has changed a bit in the time since Rob's game was first offered.

I was joking, thus the :D Having been ripped off by scumbags in the past, I'm the last person who would want to see it happen to someone else as well...


As I said before, the closer they are to the originals, the more likely it is that the MANY scumbags out there will try to pass them off as originals, thus making the REAL profits from Gamecrawler's hard work ;)

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