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The Official "eBay Battle Scars" thread


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All of your horrible experiences with eBay in one convenient forum. My hope is that once we get enough, we can convince new sellers and buyers to stay away from eBay.


I'll go first with the short version:


I bought a Twin Famicom on eBay. The seller claimed that it was like new and it had a new belt installed. It gets here. I pop Zelda in and it freezes at the loading screen. I emailed the seller and he said that he'd send a new belt out. All I said was that it did not work. I opened it up and the belt melted. I spent six hours cleaning that motherfucker and all I need is the belt. I had to remind him five times to send it and he claims he sent it. It's been a week and nothing has shown up yet. I filed a dispute after communication with the seller went dead.


After giving me excuse upon excuse of why it should be there, I filed a claim. I offer to settle for $100 partial refund and he ACTUALLY EXPECTED ME TO RETURN THE ITEM FOR THAT MUCH WHEN I PAID $192!!!! I felt it was fair because why should I send it back if all I need is one part to fix it and since only half of it works. Junk Twin Fami's go for $90-100 on eBay.


I called eBay and explained the situation. If I send it back, what's not to stop him from putting in the belt he was supposed to give me and re-list it for MORE money saying that it's refurbished WHEN I'M THE ONE WHO DID THE FUCKING WORK!!!!!


eBay couldn't give me an explanation and they claimed they'd try to get me the refund and keep the item. But, when I called PayPal, this bitch went off on me and even blackmailed me by telling me that "technically since you altered it, we can close the case and you will not get a refund".


ALTERED WHAT? All I did was clean it for the belt that this fucking seller was supposed to send!


I gave that bitch the customary "Fuck You" and called eBay back. Now, the same person that I talked to before has managed to become a lying two-faced asshole within 20 minutes. He suggested that I call the seller, which is supposed to be EBAY'S RESPONSIBILITY and even told him so. He bullshitted his way through it and it wasn't until I threatened him with legal action that he finally claimed that "eBay is not responsible for what our members put up." So, now the truth is out. The whole Buyer and Seller protection is bullshit. But, now it's confirmed.


It's so bad that my friend who co-uses the account, has to buy me a new belt. I told him he shouldn't and he insisted that he should. I told him I want to cancel out the account but since we have 75 feedback, he doesn't want me to make him his own account.


So, now I'm out $192 of money that I put aside for other things but wanted this so bad after five years of being consistently outbidded for this item and also buying it and having them never send them out. All in all for Twin Famicoms, I have lost an estimated total of $1,100 on these things.


My friend can use eBay all he wants. I WILL NEVER FUCKING USE IT AGAIN!

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I would like to contribute but i dont have any ebay horror stories,over all my experience with ebay has been pleasant.

I've had a few bad experiences, but so what?

I still shop at stores I've had a bad experience or two at, I still eat at restaurants which have occasionally been unsatisfactory, I still go see bands I like even if I saw them play a bad show once, I still drink beer even if I've had a few here and there which were stale, and I still buy Atari games even though some of them suck.

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I would like to contribute but i dont have any ebay horror stories,over all my experience with ebay has been pleasant.

I've had a few bad experiences, but so what?

I still shop at stores I've had a bad experience or two at, I still eat at restaurants which have occasionally been unsatisfactory, I still go see bands I like even if I saw them play a bad show once, I still drink beer even if I've had a few here and there which were stale, and I still buy Atari games even though some of them suck.


Stale beer :(

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