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atari2600land's Blog - Increase the collection


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Here's a current list of ones I own

(* denotes i have two or less games for it, while '**' denotes I hardly play it


+Atari 2600

+Atari Lynx

+Atari Jaguar *, **

+Intellivision **


+SNES **




+Game Boy




+SMS **

+Sega Genesis **

+Sega Saturn **

+Virtual Boy

+Game Gear **

+PS1 *, **

+XBox 360 *, **


And here's a list of what I want to get:

+Sega Dreamcast


+Odyssey 2

+Channel F


The first two I think I can get fairly easy around Salem. The last two I don't think I'll be able to find anywhere around here. Plus, add to the fact that I have two extra 2600s and you'll see the problem: Too many game systems! My room is only so big, plus the Wii and GC currently reside in the living room. Plus, you'll see that about half the systems I own I hardly play. I plugged in my Jaguar and SMS to see if they still work (they do), and I'll be testing my PS1 and XBox 360 to see if they work later today. I don't want to bash the Intellivision or anything, but most of the games I got I don't really like playing. Plus, I'd love to get the 3DO that's been sitting in the video game store untouched for the past month, but they want too much for it. Same thing for the Lynx (an extra in case mine breaks or something.)



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