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atari2600land's Blog - Hot weekend


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All the weather reports are in agreement now (the Weather Channel was the last holdout): It will be 100 degrees on Sunday and Monday. Well, some say 99, and some really do say 100, but i figure 99 is close enough to say 100. I find it interesting when it reaches triple digits here because it doesn't happen very often, and when it just gets that hot, it'd better just be 100 anyway for a nice even number. And besides, I don't really care how hot it gets (unless for some reason the Earth goes hurtling into the sun.) I've got air conditioning now. I got Lemmings for the Lynx in the mail today, so I don't need to worry about finding it any more. I figure I'd have to pay even more big bucks for the Telegames Lynx releases, so I'm just limiting myself to R1-6 on my Lynx collection. I have about 5 games left to get before I'm done. And I finally got the other part to my secret game working, but it will remain a secret because I still have a lot to do before it's even close to playable. And I'm going to get digital cable (more channels.) I'm also going to get cable TV for my room (finally) and a new TV this weekend. I'm keeping my current TV in the same place (the one made in 1993) to play video games on.



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