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Typed Manuscripts that may or may not pertain to the Atari universe. F*ck off, its a great title. - Don't ask, Don't tell... Violating that rule #1


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Brandon D. Wright is my name. Well, that explains my username. I first assumed the identity of Brandondwright on August 11, 2008. I had been building a website for about a month using a free web hosting service. I had little debuting content on the site, mainly a few flash games from a 3rd party site, and a portable video game I made: The Sega IQ, a portable genesis. It was an ungodly beast, the size of a large book. In fact, that was the case, a book. I tore out all of the pages and hot glued all of the components inside. That explains the name Sega IQ. Later I made small revisions to it, added a better battery, replaced some of the duct tape and I added some buttons. The revisions added up and I dubbed the improved unit the Sega IQ 2.0

Three days later, I painted my Gameboy Adv. SP black and red with a mario sprite on top. For a long while, it was my most viewed project. Several months later I made a much smaller portable: the Sega IQ 3.0. It was as tall as an original gameboy and as wide as a genesis contoller. It was helluva heavy too. About the same time, I made my 3rd stop motion: Super Mario vs Crash Bandicoot. The others will be told about later. It became sort of popular, right now it has about 7,000 views. The websites popularity skyrocketed, from 2 hits a day to about 15 hits a day.

By Christmas it was time to make a new portable: the Nintendo IQ. I had purchased a famiclone off of the internet, but when it came to my house, it was broken. I fixed it the best I could, I got the reliability in 1 out of 15. I didn't have the money to replace it, so I just rolled with it. I gave it a screen and put it in a crude plastic case I made. By then, I had a small following and my first hardcore fan. He emailed me every several days just to ask how the project was going. I tried to be polite because the kid was about a year younger than me. I finally released the Nintendo IQ early in January. To this day, it receives about 100 views a month. Not nearly as popular as the stop motion.


To be continued whenever the hell I feel like it.


What are you looking here for? Nothing to see here, move along.



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