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Gaming With Rogmeister - I Don't Have As Many Systems As I Used To


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In the last few years, I have sold or given away several of my gaming systems. While I still enjoy gaming, I don't play as often as I used to and it seems many systems just don't hold much interest for me anymore. I've been selling or giving away systems I just don't play anymore...I figure if I haven't played it in a year or two, why keep it? Here are the systems I have struck from my collection in the last 2-3 years...


Atari 2600

Atari 5200

Atari Lynx


Nintendo 64

Sega Genesis

Sega Saturn


Wow, that's even more than I thought. Other systems I used to have but which I sold or traded away more than 3 years ago would include the Atari 7800, 3DO, original Game Boy, and Sega Master System. So what systems do I still have? Here is that list...


Atari Jaguar (Yes, I do still have one Atari system left!)

Nintendo DS

Nintendo GameCube

Super Nintendo

Sega Dreamcast

Sony Playstation

Sony Playstation 2



I think that's it. No, I do not currently own (and never have) any of the latest systems...no PS3, Wii or Xbox 360. I'm happy with what I have. These days I've mostly been playing my DS and my PS2...I actually recently had my first perfect game for any baseball video game...I did that on MLB Power Pros 2008 for the PS2 using Jake Peavy.



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