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jwierer's Blog - Pacman Construction Set - Snow Day Hack


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I was playing with Pac Pollux and got to thinking about how the ghosts were all the same colors. Sure enough this was a hack of Bob's original Pacman hack so a quick comparison of the two in Hack-o-matic 3 exposed all the locations for the ghost colors. After that I started looking for other colors by searching for LDA, <immediate> where immediate is the color I want to find. In HOM 3 this is just a hex search for A9, and the two bit hex code. A couple hours later I had most of the color locations. I created a table for anybody else that might want to hack the various Pacman releases.


















After that I created a small GUI within the Pacman Construction Set to more easily set these.



With this knowledge I had to create something so here is a hack I call Snow Day. It's a graphical and maze hack of Jr. Pacman. Jr. Pacman and all the ghosts are wearing santa hats and the mazes have frosted over! Instead of dots, you eat small snowballs or snowflakes? This was my attempt at a new title graphic.















This is what it looks like under emulation. Notice the cliff is frosted over? Title text shadow and cliff share the white color.















You can see the hats and the frosted pipes.
















And of course if you are interested in trying it out, here is the bin.


JRPAC_78SnowDay_newmazes.bin ( 32K )

Number of downloads: 0




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