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Ikari Warriors Map!


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This weekend, I took a break from reality, and mapped out Ikari Warriors:




Some interesting notes:

1) It looks a LOT like the Nintendo map for about the first 2/3:


But, it's weird because the Nintendo version seems to have 4 worlds, whereas the 7800 version only seems to have 1.

I never knew this. Was this an oversight? Or, did they just run out of space? How many worlds are in the arcade version?


2) Any moving objects are not in the map. "Fixed placement" objects, such as stationary bunkers, soldiers, and helicopters are all there.


3) Since the main goal was to "get it done", I think it would be fun to have the "FIND A LAND MINE" contest.

I would love for people to fond and report any missed land mines or places where you walk and a plane drops a giant shell that explodes.

I documented what I could, but I'm sure I missed a few. Any takers up to the challenge?


Anyway, have fun, and my thanks goes out to a great community.



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Just did some reading up on Ikari Warriors and it looks like the NES version took considerable liberties. There is apparently only one level in the arcade version and the 7800 version seems to be pretty close to the arcade.


No problemo-- go for it!


Thanks. :)



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3) Since the main goal was to "get it done", I think it would be fun to have the "FIND A LAND MINE" contest.

I would love for people to fond and report any missed land mines or places where you walk and a plane drops a giant shell that explodes.

I documented what I could, but I'm sure I missed a few. Any takers up to the challenge?


I doubt I'll have time to look at it prior to getting back from vacation, but since I'm going to be on windows a bit longer I'll take a stab at landmine discovery later next month if there are still things to find by then. :)

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That question has been in my head for YEARS.

It is on my top 10 mysteries to solve some day.

I remember reading that in Atarian magazine, and never hearing more about it.


Here's what I see:




The translation of this top-of-the-chart arcade hit to the 7800 and XE is truly amazing! You won't have a moment's rest from the fast-paced action, jumping in and out of the maneuverable helicopters and mighty tanks as you take on the soldiers of the evil empire. A secret code lets you select different stages of play, but no matter where you start, if you want to survive, keep your head down and your finger on the trigger.


So, my first question-- is there a definite code for the XE version?

Because I was always confused by the "different stages of play", since there's only one stage.

From what we've established here, the NES version has different stages.


So, any XE players out there?



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Because I was always confused by the "different stages of play", since there's only one stage.

From what we've established here, the NES version has different stages.


Yeah... I bet the stage select thing is just rumor/misinformation carried over from the NES version, which does have a stage select.

A horribly complicated stage select. The kind of thing you'd think was an April Fools joke, except it actually does work.

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Does Ikari Warriors have any kind of ending sequence or does it just loop? I really want to beat this game, but I've always had problems about 2/3s of the way through. Of course now that I know how close I am maybe I'll take another stab at it. Somebody should make a high quality video beating the game and place it on youtube. I don't think there are enough 7800 videos out there.

Edited by jeremiahjt
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Does Ikari Warriors have any kind of ending sequence or does it just loop? I really want to beat this game, but I've always had problems about 2/3s of the way through. Of course now that I know how close I am maybe I'll take another stab at it. Somebody should make a high quality video beating the game and place it on youtube. I don't think there are enough 7800 videos out there.

Their is a ending sequence, i won the game a couple times on the novice skill level. Fun game :)

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Does Ikari Warriors have any kind of ending sequence or does it just loop?


It ends. You rescue Colonial Cook - who happens to be about 30 feet tall and leaves you wondering why he didn't "King Kong" his way out of there. Then you get a million points and an ending message appears.

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Does Ikari Warriors have any kind of ending sequence or does it just loop? I really want to beat this game, but I've always had problems about 2/3s of the way through. Of course now that I know how close I am maybe I'll take another stab at it. Somebody should make a high quality video beating the game and place it on youtube. I don't think there are enough 7800 videos out there.



I agree, There is not enough gameplays of the 7800 on youtube.

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