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Mord's Blog - Back on Windows for now.


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Well, that was ... interesting.


After spending the better part of yesterday with various installs of gnu/linux, most notably debian, I'm back on windows for the meantime. Debian would install properly but I couldn't for the life of me figure out exactly how to configure the adsl so I could get online. The required packages (apparently pppoe-config) were obviously not on CD1, which of course prevented me from apt-getting it. (or even successfully configuring the mirrors for apt-get to begin with.)


I only had the first cd since the torrents on cd2+ of 20 odd were fairly devoid of any seeds and the website kept on saying "don't get them all, it's a waste of your time!" .. waste of time only if you can get online to apt-get it of course. You'd think they'd have all the necessary tools for getting online on the first CD >_>


And debian didn't understand the file table format thing of the externals as well. apparently that's in a separate download as well. Well, at least it was able to detect it.


So it's been a learning experience. I'm now currently on XP again and doing update patches. At least this got rid of all the useless programs that use to be on the comp that I installed at some point but never really used. So when that's back up to date, I'll see about obtaining a full set of the current debian install CDs at that point and possibly trying again. Hopefully by then I'll have a second computer.


So ultimately the problems were: non-trivia internet setup, (could be fixed by adding that program knoppix uses), and ensuring support for that file table format thing. ... It's odd not knowing offhand what it's called when I know what I'm actually talking about. Oh well.


By comparison, the Windows install just went on through, although it did a few reboots during the process. Not a fair comparison to make however. The recovery CD I have is MEANT to work on this particular hardware.



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