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Scrapyard Dog..Is it good?


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Hello to all. I am considering buying Scrapyard Dog for the 7800 and wondering what you guys think of the game. There's really not much on the interenet about the game so my research has not been that great. I've played it on the emu but mine has no sound and it just does'nt look right. I'd much rather just play it on my console anyways. I hear it's kinda like super mario for the 7800..Well any info (likes,dislikes) would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks Guys!!

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My view is opposite of seemly everyone to me it's a pain in the !@#$ The first levels are okay, but when you get to the sewer and what you have to do get through it. I say those jumps are near impossible. I have played and beaten without cheating every Genesis Sonic game, even beaten that near impossible clown level in Pac Man 25th ann. for the PS1. Even though it took me 39 men. In all the years I have owned Scrapyard Dog I have never gotten past that 1st sewer level. I say unless jumping in games are second nature to you avoid the game.

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My view is opposite of seemly everyone to me it's a pain in the !@#$ The first levels are okay, but when you get to the sewer and what you have to do get through it. I say those jumps are near impossible. I have played and beaten without cheating every Genesis Sonic game, even beaten that near impossible clown level in Pac Man 25th ann. for the PS1. Even though it took me 39 men. In all the years I have owned Scrapyard Dog I have never gotten past that 1st sewer level. I say unless jumping in games are second nature to you avoid the game.


Try the map. :) That's why we made it.

There are shortcuts around most hard jumps (especially early on), even though there are a handful of hard jumps left in the game.

We also put strategies for the hard jumps in the map, so that people can endure.



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This is one of my favorite games of all time. IMO far better than the Lynx version. I really like the gfx and the fast scrolling and I beated it many times! Some later jumps are really diffcult, but it´s doable and not more frustrating than newer games of that genre (Rayman).


I like the piano bonus screen and the knock knock door sound on the city level. You can even switch off background music.


Really nice what they did there on the 7800!

Edited by Atari_Falcon
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's solid. It ain't Mario or even Alex Kidd (ah...I actually prefer that first Alex Kidd game to the first Super Mario Bros. game), but it ain't bad at all and, honestly, is probably one of the better games on the Pro System.


It even introduced some stuff to the platformer genre that beforehand was nearly non-existent. Right from the get-go to boot.


That first stage, with the piano opening up a secret money thingie? That was pretty new. Sure, secrets like that were in Super Mario Bros. (in Mario, go down a sewer pipe, in Scrapyard Dog go into a trash bin), but the way in which you got that item was pretty new for the genre. You had to play the piano notes the right way.


How many platformers before Scrapyard Dog did that sort of thing? I can't even think of any, tbqh. But nowadays solving little puzzles like that in a platformer are par for the course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forget about Proline Joysticks.


I still have two of them, just to show how bad they are.




This is a reborn of the Competition Pro Joystick which you could connect right into any Atari 2600.


How ever if you need two buttons (like in 7800 Xevious, fire and drop bombs), then you have to mod it a bit.


I used the cable and the two resistors of those badline joysticks and now the small arrow button on the top is right fire, while the big round button is left fire. I play (next to Xevious) Ikari Warriors or Commando with it and it is great.

Steering is excact, you have a quick fire rate with big button and still could launch the second action (like throwing granades) by moving your thumb on the arrow button.


There are a few games like basket brawl or title match, I currently want to mod a NES pad for which I got from ebay, with parts of a broken 7800 pad.


Competition Pro was my favorite choice in 1987 and it is in 2009.


I still look for a PAL version of Scrapyard but played many jump and runs with a Competition Pro and it is the first choice.


Well, nowadays you might have to adjust them a bit, as the quality from China ist not the same as in the past :)

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