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Typed Manuscripts that may or may not pertain to the Atari universe. F*ck off, its a great title. - Dont ask Dont Tell: Violating that rule #2


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Part two of my boring biography. After the moderate success of Nintendo IQ, I decided I would wait to make the next portable. When I made the portables so close together, one wasn't able to see the progress between units. So I decided I would wait to make a new portable. Over time I learned more techniques that would bring me out of the portable dark ages. But, this also brought a problem: a huge lack of content on the site. I had to think of something quick, my site was losing hits. I made a sequel to the Super Mario vs Crash Bandicoot series. I had two in mind, one was where they fought an alien, and the other was a straight up fight. I chose the striaght up fight because it used a different program than the alien fight, which made the animation look better but shorter. This also had a moderate success, which brought my website up to its current 30 hits per day. Fast foward 4 months, decided to release the alien animation. Again, moderate success but it is too new to tell. Now it is the latter half of July: the new portable is almost ready for release. It is to be called the Sony IQ, a portable playstation. It will be unleashed on August 11, 2009 the first anniversary of the website. It also marks the opening of my new website: Respect the Nerd .com. This title takes little explanation. At school, I was famous as the local nerd, but I was also respected because I would help some of the other kids with their homework. It brought a great deal of respect actually, I was no longer bullied as I was when I was younger. (Well, kicking some gay kid's ass also helped. Yeah, I'm a little homophobic, so what? He was a douche....) So I rolled with my nickname of nerd, and I accepted it. So here we are. Thanks for listening to this handsome kid's abridged autobiography.




Next time: 2012, The apocalypse? Yeah right.



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