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Very nice Vectrex...


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Funny thing... I've sold off my Vectrex collection 3 times now.

The last one was much more complete...


All in time... all in time

Right now I just don't have a place to put anything. I want a MAME machine, but have no real room for it unless I throw it in the kiddos room or something. So, unless a kiddo moves out or I get a bigger house, it just won't happen right now. I have to focus on a few things rather than a broad stroke of things like I was doing in the past.

Lynx and 2600 games... thus far that is my main concentration.

Edited by EricDeLee
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Sounds great, Ax. LOL

Man I want to take pics of my games and post it in that new thread, but there just isn't a lot to take pictures of. Currently all I have is two big bookshelves stuffed with Atari 2600 items to the brim on one, and Lynx stuff on the other. Everything else is in storage.


Sure wish I had a basement! :)

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Some things really cause me to drool...


Megan Fox....


and this...Vectrex setup


That stand is awesome. I didn't know there was such a thing for the Vectrex. I remember when the Vectrex first came out, and how bad I wanted one.


Hope you win this AX. :)

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Okay who won it? eBay gave me the freakin shaft on this. Had one click bidding turned on... at three seconds I hit it with a huge bid... the screen goes grey like it's thinking, and then says I didn't win at less than half my proxy.


Don't wait till 3 seconds I guess. Damn eBay.



Edited by the.golden.ax
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Okay who won it? eBay gave me the freakin shaft on this. Had one click bidding turned on... at three seconds I hit it with a huge bid... the screen goes grey like it's thinking, and then says I didn't win at less than half my proxy.


Don't wait till 3 seconds I guess. Damn eBay.




Damn, that sucks! I was cheering for you. :D

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I hate bidding early as well. Generally it all ends up to be the same in the long run. However, some people love to just see what the highest bid is and keep bidding in $10 or $20 increments in order to see what it is. Generally speaking, if they end up getting the high bid, the one they beat will put an additional bid in. But, if you simply wait till the end, you have a chance of it not going as high.


I am shocked that this did not go for more. I was expecting at least $1000-1200

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I hate bidding early as well. Generally it all ends up to be the same in the long run. However, some people love to just see what the highest bid is and keep bidding in $10 or $20 increments in order to see what it is. Generally speaking, if they end up getting the high bid, the one they beat will put an additional bid in. But, if you simply wait till the end, you have a chance of it not going as high.


I am shocked that this did not go for more. I was expecting at least $1000-1200


Well, it sounds like it would have if Ax's bid had gone through.

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Yeah my 3 second proxy was $1830. I'm kinda glad it didn't get that high because it would have been lots-o-trouble... (that's how much I could have gotten from a loan shark for my paid off car, on a title loan :D ) but I wanted it. What I need to do is STOP BUYING for a little bit and get some of my extras sold off. Thousands of extras... low on cash, because I keep buying. If I spent half that time listing my extras... *sigh* I'm mentally ill.




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*sigh* I'm mentally ill.




Perhaps that will be my new signature line...



Sorry man. I'd say wait for the next one, howver, I'm not sure if that will come in the next 5 years.

Not unless that auction sparked the interest of others that have one tucked away.

That bad part is, you could have resold those gmes to make up for some of the costs of keeping the system and stand (if you had those games alredy that is).


Such a shame.

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Okay who won it? eBay gave me the freakin shaft on this. Had one click bidding turned on... at three seconds I hit it with a huge bid... the screen goes grey like it's thinking, and then says I didn't win at less than half my proxy.


Don't wait till 3 seconds I guess. Damn eBay.





Aw bummer dude! I don't even know ax but I was pulling for an AA member to win this one.


Auctions p*** me off too. I wonder if eBay has considered some sort of "going once, going twice" feature instead of a strict countdown? They don't endorse sniping but let's face it - a lot of money comes in at the last second. Imagine how much $$ they have missed out on because someone failed to get a higher bid in at the last second due to user interface failure?

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Aw bummer dude! I don't even know ax but I was pulling for an AA member to win this one.


Auctions p*** me off too. I wonder if eBay has considered some sort of "going once, going twice" feature instead of a strict countdown? They don't endorse sniping but let's face it - a lot of money comes in at the last second. Imagine how much $$ they have missed out on because someone failed to get a higher bid in at the last second due to user interface failure?


That's what they do on my other favorite auction site (gunbroker.com). Bids within 15 minutes of it ending add 15 more minutes.

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