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Homebrew Idea For Programmers

The #5

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Mirror ball and the Waterskiing game look cool.


I hope you have luck making at least something close to your vision if no one picks it up. There are plenty of people willing to give you pointers so don't feel discouraged if you decide to try yourself.


I was an embedded systems coder and the 2600 is still a pain. Though I do love the 6502 so at least I'm comfortable with the ASM. ^o^ So if you do try yourself don't feel discouraged because even us some of us old coders still have a heck of a time.


Good luck!

Thanks for your support! :D

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I agree, you should try making them yourself. I was your age when I started programming the 2600 (in assembly). It seemed impossible at first, but I have gotten a lot better :)

yeah, and it does seem impossible! I barely know what I'm doing just installing batari Basic! :x

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I agree, you should try making them yourself. I was your age when I started programming the 2600 (in assembly). It seemed impossible at first, but I have gotten a lot better :)

yeah, and it does seem impossible! I barely know what I'm doing just installing batari Basic! :x

Don't follow the ancient instructions on the main site. Just get Visual batari Basic and it will add the environment variable and add bB compiler to system path for you:



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I agree, you should try making them yourself. I was your age when I started programming the 2600 (in assembly). It seemed impossible at first, but I have gotten a lot better :)

yeah, and it does seem impossible! I barely know what I'm doing just installing batari Basic! :x

Don't follow the ancient instructions on the main site. Just get Visual batari Basic and it will add the environment variable and add bB compiler to system path for you:




Yeah, is there something wrong when everytime I try to create a sprite, design a playfield, etc, it causes an error?

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Yeah, is there something wrong when everytime I try to create a sprite, design a playfield, etc, it causes an error?

If you post exactly what is happening in the following VbB thread, the creator of VbB will probably be able to help:



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Yeah, is there something wrong when everytime I try to create a sprite, design a playfield, etc, it causes an error?

If you post exactly what is happening in the following VbB thread, the creator of VbB will probably be able to help:



Oh! It just started working! But thanks anyway! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Take the time to learn the graphical limitations of the Atari system your ideas are for, then do a mockup with those in mind. Otherwise there's no real point to doing mockups, because the gameplay you have in mind might not be achievable in the resolution and sprite limitations of the system. And the best way to learn those limitations is to just look through other game screenshots on AtariAge, see what published games have done, and work off those specs.

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Take the time to learn the graphical limitations of the Atari system your ideas are for, then do a mockup with those in mind. Otherwise there's no real point to doing mockups, because the gameplay you have in mind might not be achievable in the resolution and sprite limitations of the system. And the best way to learn those limitations is to just look through other game screenshots on AtariAge, see what published games have done, and work off those specs.





I would post more, but unfortunately the external linked screenshots are all gone. :(

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I agree, you should try making them yourself. I was your age when I started programming the 2600 (in assembly). It seemed impossible at first, but I have gotten a lot better :)

yeah, and it does seem impossible! I barely know what I'm doing just installing batari Basic! :x

Wouldn't it be easier for 'The #5' to start off his programming career on Atari or Turbo Basic using the 8-bit Atari Computers (can I put that here :D ), where there are tons of books and magazines available for reference :ponder:

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I agree, you should try making them yourself. I was your age when I started programming the 2600 (in assembly). It seemed impossible at first, but I have gotten a lot better :)


When I was that age I was programming 6502 on the Commodore 64 and I felt really bloody clever for some of the tricks I was doing...


... Then I discovered the 2600 and realised those tricks were par for the course to do anything whatsoever and felt like a newbie once again :)


which brings me to the point - if you feel the urge to code for something retro you could always try another machine with slightly more memory and better specs that could bring you closer to what you want to make, then work your way down to the 2600. Start with the 8-bit atari, Commodore 64 or VIC 20 (that'll get you used to not having much memory) maybe?

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