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7800 wont power up


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Output on the original power supply is 9V DC, 1amp.


More amperage won't hurt.

Slightly higher or lower voltage might also be fine.


But unless the console has been modified then only the original will fit anyway.

If it has been modified, be very careful that you don't get the polarity backwards. That could do a lot of damage.

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i believe it is the original supply. got it from a yard sale

Do you have a voltmeter? If so, test the output of the power supply when its connected to the 7800. You'll have to take the lid off the console to do that. If it reads less than 7v then you've got a problem. If not, the easiest option is to buy a new supply from EBay, Best Electronics etc or take the homebrew approach and get a wall wart that can supply 9v, 1A and replace its end connector with the one from the 7800's supply. You'll have to connect it as shown in the FAQ.

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