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atari2600land's Blog - Pac-Land


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Pac-Land is a platformer for the Lynx that is better than Scrapyard Dog in some ways. For example, Pac-Land doesn't have holes that are nearly impossible to jump over because there's a crane in the way that kills you (see Scrapyard Dog's review for more info). Anyway, it's kind of like Pac-Man 2 for the SNES or Genesis, but there's no cursor. Pac-Man just keeps walking right, avoiding ghosts, and once in a while a power pellet comes along which, like in normal Pac-Man, enables you to eat the ghosts for a short time. The graphics are cartoony and wonderful, the hills in the background move in a way reminiscent of Super Mario World. One thing weird I did notice is that there are churches in Pac-Land, complete with a cross. I guess Pac-Man is a Christian, I had no clue. But Christians don't believe in ghosts. I'm confused. Well, anyway, a good platform game, but not as good as, say, Super Mario Bros. 2 for the NES. :| (or, if you don't like face ratings, 3/5.)




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