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BlogO - Bad traders "list"


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It's kinda sad that I have had enough unfavorable transactions now with AA members that I now have a list of people I won't transact business with. There was only one until I decided today to give up on another transaction that's been dragging on for months and months. Granted, it's only two people, but now it's a list.


The first one was a couple of years ago when I took part of a Saturday and a 20 mile round trip to buy some very obscure, thought-to-be-unavailable (though almost valueless) parts I'd found to then ship to someone for the same price I paid. Add postage and the cost of a padded mailer onto that and the total bill was somewhere in the five dollar neighborhood. It's only five bucks, so it's not a financially significant amount, which is I think what bugs me about not getting paid. One reminder was all I could muster.


The second one cost me the shipping charges and two pieces of equipment. The deal was that I'd loan a piece of equipment to somebody for them to use to develop and test some customizations on and in return I'd get the customized equipment back. I had two such pieces of relatively low-value equipment so I sent another along for the person to customize and keep for themselves or sell to make a few bucks or grind up in the garbage disposal or whatever. I think I'm up to 3 polite reminders now, the last of which has gone unanswered for some time now. Lesson learned, writing it off, moving on.


It makes me wonder, though, if I've done this to anyone and just somehow became completely oblivious to it. :ponder:






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