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EricBall's Tech Projects - Slippery slope


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My son recently bought himself Pokemon Platinum so I retired the SNES & Gameboys which were only used to play Pokemon Blue. But those weren't the only SNES & Gameboy games we had. So I downloaded the entire GoodSNES collection via BitTorrent (dang that was easy, although I don't see the need for all of the bad dumps, hacks etc.) and put an SNES emulator on the Wii along with the ROMs for just the SNES titles I owned. I'll probably do the same for the Gameboy titles. And I'd like to get myself a DS flashcart so I can play them there too.


But I've put myself on a slipperly slope. Although I've only copied over the ROMs for which I own actual carts, I suspect I could get those same titles through the Wii's Virtual Arcade. So although the original carts are no longer available in a form which would provide revenue to the copyright holders, buying them via Virtual Arcade would.


Free is a hard temptation to ignore.


And no matter how I try to justify it, I'm not setting a good example for my son.





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