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Wizard of Wor hack..?

Lord Helmet

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I was going to put this in the hacks forum...but those threads seem to never get read :)


To anyone that has or can hack 5200 games...how hard would it be to hack Wizard of Wor to default player one games to the first joystick port? It's sort of a pain to have to switch controller ports just to play this one game...

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Not so difficult. Just swap the input addresses used. But why? It wouldn't be faithful to the arcade game then.


Because I use an emulator primarily...on the Wii...and you can't configure the controller to use port 2.


Just use the superior Xbox version (which I know you can) courtesy of Shannon, and shove on a controller into port 2 :D


<edit> actually, I forgot Shannon fixed it so you can even map controller 2 to the 1st joystick and more (especially useful for Robotron & Space Dungeon to put them on 1 stick)

Edited by NE146
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