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Planet Bob - Playing The Empire Strikes Back (C64)


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Hi there!


Having a look at another 8-Bit vector graphics conversion, this time from an Atari coin-op:




This was a pretty fast one. Or a rather slow one, depending on how you look at it ;)


The vector graphics are of course dead slow. I really wonder sometimes why they always insisted on doing wireframes on the 8-Bits, instead of trying to do something fast and good looking with sprites instead :ponder:


Atari probably didn't spent too much money on developing this one, more or less it's just somewhat different levels running on the same old Star Wars engine.


Again you're doing waves over and over again, which are broken down into 4 phases. First you have to shoot messenger probes, then battle AT-AT and AT-ST Walkers. In this second phase you can also take down a few AT-ATs with tow cables, just as seen in the movie. Then comes a plain Tie Fighter wave, just as seen in the first game and finally you are going through an asteroid field.


It all just repeats then. I'm not sure what the difference in the higher levels is supposed to be, as the graphics certainly didn't run any faster on the C64 :lolblue:


Well, I fought my way through the first 5 waves and doing so gold tiresome pretty fast.


Some future day the "Playing..." series may see its non-vectorized sequel "Return of the Jedi", but first it'll continue with something else.






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